Three certain zodiac signs will feel that the day is a little tougher than usual, and most of this can be explained by astrology and daily horoscopes.
For example, anytime we have a combination of transits like Moon in Aries and Moon sextile Pluto, we can almost guarantee that someone, somewhere is going to have a really bad day.
And this day here. March 31, 2022 – the last day of March and hopefully the last chance for an amazingly bad day.
Moon in Aries will make some people really nervous and annoyed today – over everything. And under the influence of Pluto, we should share the insult and humiliation of Aquarius.
Is there something going on at the heart of all this? As in, is there a reason for all this bad behavior and mean treatment?
No, which is why it is a very terrible day for those who indulge in negativity. It’s almost as if it’s just taking over, leaving us with no choice but to act like idiots on a mission to self-destruct.
Here’s why your horoscope is more strict than usual for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius on March 31, 2022.
1. bull
(April 20 – May 20)
As an earth sign, you feel things more when you are pushed to your limits, and this Almost new moon Happens in the sector of hidden enemies. You’re going to do something totally unfortunate today, Taurus, and if you can catch this post before making a move, stop in your tracks now.
This is about money, the soft spot for Taurus, especially because you rule the second house of money, and Venus, your ruling planet deals with property.
You are about to invest in something that is a definite loss, or you are going to spend a lot of money on something that will fail you and end up being irretrievable. Yes, this is trivial, but now you are warned; Stop spending.
Do not invest today. If you have heard about the “auspicious” days, then you should keep in mind that this is not one of them. refrain from spending today; you will not regret it.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 – November 21)
As a steady water sign, you’re determined and unwilling to bend, especially when you’re feeling passionate about something. is yours Big mistake today about your judgment. You insist that there is someone in your life who absolutely can’t do the job they’re supposed to do, and you’re going to try to mess with them.
What you don’t realize is, firstly, that it’s none of your business, and secondly – it’s perfect for the job. They simply aren’t you, and that’s what you can’t have. How can anyone be successful if they don’t do it your way?
Wake-up call, Scorpio. You have to stand aside now. If your goal is to prove that you are fond of vanity without worry, today you will prove that you are indeed the master in this department.
3. Aquarius
(20 January – 18 February)
As a steady air sign, you’re calm but to a point. If you are smart – and yes, you are – you will realize that the recent news you got is real, not what you wanted. You need to accept something today, and fight it moreit will get worse.
You are at the mercy of your own set of high expectations and because something didn’t work out on your list, you have to start accepting reality.
Whatever you “need” to work your way up it will not work that way at all. OK. You have to adopt a new perspective on all of this. This is the only way to move forward unless you want to become too stuck up for nothing in your life to continue.
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Ruby Miranda She has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
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