Road signs are still a headache for most drivers who don’t even know the important details of the road traffic code after a training period.
Correct use of the Road Traffic Code by drivers is based on knowledge of its rules and road signs, which ensures that order is maintained on the roads.
Under normal circumstances, problems start when drivers ignore or ignore the rules. Even basic knowledge of road traffic code and road signs is lost over time.
An example of a typical signal is that it basically defines whether or not to give priority to an oncoming moving vehicle.

So, despite the fact that this particular signal provides a solution to the headaches that many drivers face in their daily lives, most of them are not even aware of their existence.
In the Greek traffic code, the sign defining overcurrent has a square shape with traffic priority and is blue in color. Two arrows form inside the blue square They claim that this particular street is a two-way street.

A driver facing this sign should pay attention to the size and color of the arrows.
A white and small arrow indicates that a specific traffic lane is maintained Ensures priority for oncoming vehicles over oncoming vehicles.
It belongs to the same family of traffic signs that tells us to prioritize.

In this case, of course, the signal is circular and the arrow in the traffic stream we are moving is red.
It is worth noting that giving way to an oncoming moving vehicle, in the presence of the relevant sign, is mandatory and not at the discretion of the driver.A driver who neglects this duty will be fined.
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