Her presentation began to be tense Katrina Caenorgiou.
The lawyer appeared on the air of “Super Katrina”, Andreas Theodoropoulosin order to speak about the clients he represents who allegedly contacted the 12-year-old from Colonus.
However, it seemed that he was in an aggressive mood from the start and was looking for an opportunity to “attack” the presenter.
“The last time we spoke, you said you didn’t want any contact with me,” Andreas Theodoropoulos initially said, and the presenter told him: “Then why did you go out today?”
“I said about lawyers, I don’t know why you’re messing with lawyers. Know that you have a lawyer in front of you and not a plastic lawyer. Good day,” He told her and hung up.
After that, Katrina Kainurgiu said: “To answer, to answer. He can think of something smarter to say. Having a guy knocking on that track really makes me laugh. You’re just silly. Please my mates, not again on this show”while the editors reported: “John, Katrina, are you committed?”
“If he was talking about me, I wish he had had some plastic surgery too. I don’t respect such lawyers. A plastic one I probably respected more.” Then he added.
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