The former reality show host “invaded” Kalou Mesimiraki and Nikos Mutsinas asked her about it. Shots with Priambut also how he didn’t express his feelings the same way I did.
Carolina Kaleva said at the beginning: “100% we knew the drone scored us, don’t you see how I left? It was a very positive feeling with Mario Priam. It’s good for you internally. The world was based on what I had in my life rather than what I had in the game. People They are different from each other and in the way they express themselves.
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Then he added: “I made it clear that I felt more quantitatively, it’s about what I’m a woman and it’s my heart that speaks, while Marius wanted to keep the pretenses low and not give people the right to speak. What’s set up is nobody’s business, it’s personal. We didn’t tell each other well here.” Shall we tell the world?”
Finally he said: “What I thought in the council was that at least he would be discovered there an hour earlier, because no one is worth waiting for in this life. I didn’t know what was waiting for me outside either… Nothing is taken for granted. It’s been a month’s affair.” .
Regarding what Marius Priamus finally said to her shortly before leaving the game for good, Carolina replied: “Let it remain a question mark.”
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