The video, which spread on the Internet during the past 24 hours, was supposed to record a public marriage proposal Rome It just happened… wrong.
Herclueless's account Tik Tok The person who published the relevant clip, which achieved tens of millions of views after it was republished by many international media outlets, published a new blog a few hours ago in which he reveals the truth.
The new video shows four people, two men and two women. “The team behind the fake public proposal that angered 20 million people,” the caption read, confirming many's suspicions that the romantic proposal with an unfortunate ending was nothing more than a well-acted skit.
In the original clip, which sparked a heated debate about the wisdom of coming forward in public, a couple is seen dancing in a crowded place Via De Condotti in Rome. After the dance is over, the man kneels and holds out the ring to his charming companion, who looks stunned, while the tenor sings “O Sole Mio.”
After several awkward moments in which the girl was seen trying to convince the man to stand up, she rejected the offer and the supposedly hurt lover stood up.
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