September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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In the statue, because the policemen “patched” a pothole in a road

In the statue, because the policemen “patched” a pothole in a road

This, too, has raised many question marks about both the strong sensitivity of local authorities and the local government's indifference to a larger problem.

In Kos, this incredible incident.

According to local media, two police officers found themselves at the center of an unusual administrative election when they decided to take the initiative to close a pothole on a provincial road in Go-Sorio.

This pothole has been reported many times by citizens and has been around for a long time, resulting in no accidents and damages.

This police effort drew mixed reactions. On the one hand, many people of the island praised them for their choice, on the other hand, some felt that the limits of their powers were overstepped.

South Aegean Regional Governor Mr. It should be noted that Giorgos Tsatzimarkos, through his post on social media, criticized the attitude of the traffic police men. Ever been responsible for an action?

Source: The Step of Kos – Kosnews24

Position of South Aegean Regional Governor: “Take a picture,” they say with vision, “police stopping a concrete mixer to plug potholes,” news of uniformed men with shovels in hand to work on the road like regular members of the technical crew. .

These police officers, in their view, are choosing self-justice to solve a problem that the government has not dealt with quickly enough, sending a message that those who are in trouble and who do not seek immediate solutions from the government should take matters into their own hands. Hands, perhaps even and illegally, in his hands. Of course, don't forget to photograph and videotape his action!

What about police officers who wanted to “photograph” their operation? Since the government will not build the pit, we will build it ourselves. But I wonder, can an act of “self-righteousness” ever be a responsible act? Really uniformed public officials? What are the beleaguered citizens to do when the police cover potholes with shovels, randomly and arbitrarily, without any markings on the road network?

Should they also take the “shovel” into their own hands? For example, we would be more “responsible” in the region if we responded to cable vandalism and theft over 1.5 years and over 6 km of road network under our jurisdiction by patrolling. And with arresting suspects, aren't the police, in our opinion, doing their job as quickly and efficiently as we would like?

Yes, the relationship between police and citizens can be improved, but do some really believe that this can be done by teaching self-righteousness? Uniform and public office require responsibility and discretion.

Any “void” in the state, real as it may be, does not justify arbitrary action by anyone, let alone a uniformed police officer. By the way, in this case the “break” lasted only a few hours, the district's lack of reflexes and “incompetent” officials sent a contractor to fix it, which he did in one day.

He didn't take a picture. Behind every image and video is primarily content, and that content is slippery. So do pits need attention? Yes, some are more than usual because they are so dangerous and they drag us all into their ephemeral embrace. PS: Yes, I agree we are not perfect.

To colleagues who asked not to comment on anything, I replied that politics was incompatible with silence and that everyone's work was honorable. We trust and understand the work of the Defense Forces and value it every day with our mission and our cooperation.”

See also:
These cars fill Greek roads with potholes
20-year-old Mercedes to the Greek police
Shock and awe from the police

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