About her relationship Angela Demetriou with her daughter Olga Kyurtsaki The best man of the second, Grigoris Akmalian, spoke.
Speaking on the program “Fay's Time”, he referred to the battles of Olga Kyourtsakis and her husband Fotis Lousis with Angela Demetriou.
He even made an announcement that has not come to light yet.
As he characteristically said, there is a commitment of 50 thousand euros, and if it is not settled, Angela Demetriou's house will be in danger. The guarantor of this, in fact, is Olga Kiurtsaki.
“If the 50,000 euros are not paid ‘yesterday’, there is a risk that the house will be blown up and Olga is the guarantor of the house. I am forced to say things I should not say, but in order to defend the truth, I must tell the truth.” He said characteristically.
Image of the material: scar photo
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