September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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Full Carababa attack on EPO and KED due to VAR operation!

Full Carababa attack on EPO and KED due to VAR operation!

Kostas Karababas took a stand at a meeting of the EPO's Professional Football Committee and spoke about VAR and its workings, launching an attack on the EPO, while also referring to the illegal and irregular KED, and asking six “hot” questions.

The vice president of PAE Olympiacos referred to the technology and stressed that government intervention “saved” the system, as at the time it did not appear that both the EPO and the League were willing to bear the costs of installing and operating VAR technology and its introduction into Greek football was “sold” as an interest. A government with shaky credibility.

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Beyond that, Karababas emphasized that “it should be debated like football as to whether or not VAR has helped as much as we expected,” while explaining that some questions need to be answered immediately in light of the start of this year's qualifiers.


The contract was part of the program “Digital Transformation of Greek Football Using Modern ICT Digital Media (VAR)” and was implemented by government order.

At that time, the government also assumed the cost of the contract amounting to 13,454,000 euros, a very expensive contract by European football standards, if we consider that countries with a long tradition and advanced football economy (such as Italy) agreed to it. Nearly half the money is for their own systems.

At the time of signing, government intervention had “saved” the system, as at the time both the EPO and the League did not appear willing to bear the cost of installing and operating VAR and its introduction into Greek football had been “sold”. Government interest due to its shaky credibility.

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They all understood after years that depending on the operator, VAR can destroy rather than heal!

I remember at first some hired parrots laughed at me and said “now Olympiacos and Karababas are also questioning technology”. Of course, we also question it when it is run by someone who is unable or has the intention of corrupting it.

Whether VAR helps as much as we expected or not, it should enter our conversation as much as football.

The following should be answered immediately (and given the start of this year's playoffs):

A: In the current KED squad, who is in charge of the VAR referees, what kind of certification did they obtain and from which body (local or international). Also, if the KED head himself is VAR certified or not.

B. If the person appearing as a VAR manager (Lindberg) does not have the necessary certification, how and through what legal procedures is he appointed by the EPO and does he get paid?
In the same case, who trains VAR referees, who evaluates them, who evaluates them, and who certifies them in Greek football?

C. Whether a KED VAR officer (even a legally accredited and highly certified one) has the right to circulate match times in the VAR building and interfere with the work of referees (for example, drawing offside lines, signaling to the match referee to “look” or “don’t look” to a certain stage in search of a possible penalty kick, etc.) from which this right arises in the FIFA Regulations.

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Dr.. If the EPO publishes the standard VAR operating manual (containing more than 75 pages) on its website (as it is required to do) or keeps it hidden “for its own use”…

Q: Who will bear the cost of the new contract, what are the procedures by which the contractor will be selected and who will ultimately decide on the choice, the EPC or the Premier League? Are PAEs willing to pay the costs of running and managing a VAR free from any government interference?

street. If the new contract would functionally integrate goal-line technology to fully guarantee the referee's objective decision in these difficult cases.

Finally: The EPO Professional Football Committee (EEP/EPO) decided at its meeting No. 15/11.12.2023, among other things (as measures to protect referees)

“Recovering commentary of the contested phases by KED in each match, with relevant videos posted.”

The EEP/EPO decision was sent to the EPO Executive Committee on 12.01.2024 (Meeting No. 61) where it was ratified (Agenda Item No. 05).

Since then, the implementation of this decision has been completely ignored, without any justification from the EPO or KED.

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