September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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“I will not resign,” Macron declared.

“I will not resign,” Macron declared.

French President Emmanuel Macron ruled out resignation regardless of the outcome of the early parliamentary elections that he called for after his party’s defeat in the European elections, in an interview with Figaro magazine.

The French president was asked what he would do if the far-right National Alert party, in the event of an electoral victory, called for his resignation.

He replied: “It is not the National Front party that determines the constitution or its spirit. The institutions are clear, and the president’s position is as well, whatever the outcome. For me, this is inviolable.”

Emmanuel Macron announced once again that he is ready to debate with French far-right leader Marine Le Pen. “Of course: I am ready to represent our colors and defend our program.”

“I will win!” he said in the interview, which was conducted a day after his surprise announcement of dissolving parliament and calling for elections.

To those who say he is “crazy” to cause such a political earthquake, Emmanuel Macron replies: “No, not at all!” He added, “I am not thinking about anything but France. It is the right decision that is in the interest of the country. I say to the French: Do not be afraid, go vote.”

Emmanuel Macron made it clear that he wanted to go to the polls to “expand and clarify his line.” His goal is “to connect with those who are ready to take over governance and work artificially in the direction of ambitious extremism.”

He added: “I never believed the polls.” “A new election campaign has begun and we should not look at the results in each region based on the results of the European elections.”

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France: In favor of a broad alliance with the party of Le Pen, leader of the French Gallic right

The head of the conservative Republican Party, Eric Ciotti, supports forming an alliance with the French far right, and has proposed a broad national alliance between his party’s candidates and the National Alert candidates in the upcoming elections.

“We are saying the same things, so let’s stop presenting a fake opposition,” Eric Ciotti told TF1 television.

The coalition is to the left of Macron

France’s left-wing opposition parties pledged late Monday night to work together and nominate joint candidates in snap parliamentary elections later this month to challenge Marine Le Pen’s government and the far-right movement.

The Socialists, Greens, Communists and the radical France Insurrection party called in a joint statement to find a common platform “to present an alternative to (President) Emmanuel Macron and fight the racist program of the far right.”

The parties announced that they will support a common candidate in each electoral district starting from the first round of voting on June 30.

The two parties worked together during the pre-election campaign for parliamentary elections in 2022, before a leadership race and political disagreements – including over the war in Gaza – caused rifts in their alliance.

After the heavy losses suffered by his party in the European elections that took place on Sunday, Macron announced the holding of early elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly.

In the first poll released yesterday, Monday, it is said that the far-right National Alert group received the largest number of votes, without obtaining an absolute majority.

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Read more:

* French bond yields jump again amid Macron resignation rumors – to 3.31%

* Bloomberg: Macron did not discuss the possibility of resigning, according to a person close to him

* France: “Strength in unity” is the basic principle on which all French parties move before the parliamentary elections

* IFOP: 36% of French citizens want Le Pen to win the early elections

* France: Left parties pledge to cooperate to hold early elections

* Macron becomes “Sunak” and the danger to France is increasing

* Macron’s dangerous bet on early elections