October 18, 2024

Valley Post

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Katerina Caravato: I moved to Istanbul

Katerina Caravato: I moved to Istanbul

Caterina Caravato will welcome us to the most joyful event of the summer! In a fresh and funnier reality show than ever, where men and women search for their perfect partner and believe in the power of love! The process is simple and familiar and reminds us of the rules and magic of flirting that we have forgotten.

In the cozy atmosphere of the house, potential lovers introduce themselves, talk and spend time getting to know each other! Through fun quests, Power of love heroes can show off their skills, get important prizes and also enjoy the company of their choice.

To meet the needs of the reality show, the presenter moved to Istanbul and uploaded the first photos on Friday.

Katerina Caravato – with her partners

In a video that she uploaded herself, to wish Stelios Koudounaris a happy birthday, we see close friends by her side.

the Katerina She chose the makeup artist and hairstylist, who edited her looks for My Style Rocks, for Power of Love.

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