October 18, 2024

Valley Post

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The Andhravidas base marks 50 years of the Air Force’s F-4 presence

The Andhravidas base marks 50 years of the Air Force’s F-4 presence

To mark 50 years of F-4 aircraft, the anniversary event at Andhravitas Air Base has been postponed to Friday, July 5, 2024. Air ForceThe Air Force General Staff announced.

Instead, the event is scheduled in the morning of the same day, in the framework of strengthening relations with the general public and friends of the PA. “Phantom Silver”The 117th Fighter Wing’s facilities at the 338th Bombardment Wing’s facilities at Andhravidas Air Base said in this regard.

The event includes:

– Static view of the plane.

– Modeling Exhibition.

– F-4 simulator flights.

– History video F-4 and

Open to the public.

Those interested in attending the event are requested to register by 12:00 on Monday, July 1, 2024 at the following link (https://bit.ly/50YearsPhantomHAF).

Those who have already completed the registration process through the link do not need to repeat the process and further details of the program will be communicated to the email indicated during registration.

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