September 16, 2024

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Heatwave: Country warming up, day-by-day temperatures region-by-region – “breath of cold” melts in Aegean

Heatwave: Country warming up, day-by-day temperatures region-by-region – “breath of cold” melts in Aegean

Following the heat wave prevailing in our country for the past few days, the mercury is over 40 degrees Celsius in many areas.

In particular, the extreme heat will continue for a few more days, according to meteorologists. At the same time, meltemi blowing in the Aegean is a “breath of cold” from the sea to the moister regions.

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EMY’s New Emergency for Heat Wave – Weather Day by Day, 43s Coming

Marousakis: The heat wave continues this week

Clearkos Marousakis said the heat wave will continue this week, with high temperatures expected in many parts of the country.

According to the open meteorologist report, in some areas even 42-43 ° C will exceed 40 ° C, but the long duration of this phenomenon is also a problem, since the high temperature values ​​have started for about two weeks.

Today, Monday, we will see temperatures of 39-41 degrees Celsius further west from the Pindos mountain range, the western mainland, western and northwestern Peloponnese. A similar scene in northern Greece. 3/4 of the country will be in the middle of a heat wave, except for the eastern mainland and islands, which will be “cooled” by the Aegean winds, resulting in lower temperatures.

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In Attica, the weather is clear with sunshine and temperatures reach up to 38 degrees. Winds will be north and northeast at 5-6 Beaufort.

In Thessaloniki, the weather will be clear, the mercury will rise to 37 degrees Celsius, and there may be some clouds in the afternoon.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, according to Clearchos Marousakis, will be the hottest day. High temperatures will be concentrated in the West, Center and North, reaching up to 42 degrees Celsius. On the same wavelength, Mercury and Jupiter move in, where the heat wave seems to peak, with the mercury even reaching 43 degrees Celsius in northern Greece.

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According to the open meteorologist, the extension of the event will begin from Friday, when the mercury will touch 35-38 degrees Celsius.

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Yiannopoulos: Heat wave to last days – local storms in north

According to ERT meteorologist, Panagiotis Giannopoulos, extreme heat will continue in the coming days in the country, with higher values ​​recorded in the western and northern regions. The mercury will touch 42 degrees there and may even rise to 43 degrees by Tuesday. The hottest days are Wednesday through Friday.

On Friday, local storms will occur in the north and temperatures will drop slightly. However, Meltemi 6 to 7 will blow steadily with intensity reaching Beaufort from Monday onwards. No significant departure from high temperatures is expected before July 24.

Today, Monday, will be generally clear with some patchy clouds in the afternoon over continental areas.

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Winds will be from the north at 4 to 5 and in the Aegean at 6 to 7 Beaufort. Temperatures will remain high in most parts of the country.

Midday temperatures will rise to 39 to 42 degrees on land and 36 to 38 degrees in the Ionian, East Aegean and southern Crete regions. Lower temperatures are expected in the Cyclades and northern Crete.

Attica has clear weather. North East local 6 Beaufort winds. Temperatures will range from 38 to 39 degrees, with a maximum of 2 to 3 degrees less in the north and east.

In Thessaloniki, clear weather is generally predicted. The wind will be weak, while the temperature will rise to 39 degrees.

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Kolitas: Temperatures will not be high for the next two days

The country has been in the grip of a heat wave for days, with many areas already on orange alert due to extremely high temperatures.

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According to a post by meteorologist Thodoris Kolitas, the next two days will pass without extreme temperatures, although the prolonged heat resembles a heat wave.

As Theodoris Kolitas notes in his post, Attica and Eastern Styria in general – as well as the Cyclades – are in better shape due to saving grace.

However, an orange alert will remain in place across the country after Wednesday.

EMY director Thodoris Kolitas wrote in his post:

“An orange… Good morning.

Good morning and have a nice week

The next two days will not be extreme but in orange temperature levels, the European warning system #Meteoalarm in most areas.

The exception to the rule is the eastern continent (including Attica) and the Cyclades, which have a yellow warning symbol. “Saving” Meltemi does its job well. After Wednesday, orange will prevail across the country. Good luck”.

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Today’s EMY forecast is a heat wave of 42 degrees

Generally clear weather with occasional cloud formation only in afternoon and afternoon over western and northern hills.

West northwesterly 3 to 4 beaufort, east northerly 3 to 5 and Aegean 6 and temporarily inland 7 beaufort.

Temperatures will be high and will range from 39 to 40 degrees in Macedonia, Thrace and Epirus, 41 to 42 locally in central Macedonia, 41 to 42 in western Styria, Thessaly and western Peloponnese, and 41 to 42 in eastern Salis and Peloponnese. 40 to 41, 36 to 38 in the Ionian, East Aegean Islands, Dodecanese and southern Crete, 33 to 36 in the rest of the island country and 38 to 39 degrees Celsius in Attica.

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Macedonia, Thrace

Weather: Generally clear. Local clouds will form in western Macedonia in the afternoon and afternoon.
Wind: Variable 2 to 3 and east northeast at times up to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: 23 to 38 to 40 and in Central Macedonia 41 to 42 degrees Celsius. Minimums will be 3 to 4 degrees lower in western Macedonia.

Ionian Islands, Epiros, West Styria, West Peloponnese

Weather: Generally clear. During the afternoon and afternoon, patchy clouds will develop and localized showers and isolated storms will occur in the Epirus highlands.
Winds: Variable 2 to 3 and Ionian Northwest to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: 24 to 38 and 40 in continental areas and 41 to 42 degrees Celsius in places. In Epirus the minimum is 3 to 4 degrees lower.

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Eastern Styria, Evia, Eastern Peloponnese

Weather: Clear.
Wind: North-Northeast 4 to 5 and East 6 temporary local 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: 25 to 38 to 40 and at places 41 degrees Celsius.

Cyclades, Crete

Weather: Clear.
Wind: North 5 to 6 and temporary local 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: 25 to 33 to 36 and in southern Crete 36 to 38 degrees Celsius.

Eastern Aegean Islands – Dodecanese

Weather: Clear.
Wind: North-Northwest 5 to 6 and temporary local 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: 25 to 36 to 38 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Generally clear.
Wind: Variable 3 to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: 23 to 39 to 41 and locally up to 42 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Clear.
Wind: North-Northeast 4 to 5 and East 6 Beaufort.
Temperature: 27 to 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. The maximum in the east has decreased by 2 to 3 degrees.

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Weather: Generally clear.
Wind: Variable 2 to 3 and temporarily southerly to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: 25 to 39 degrees Celsius.

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