September 16, 2024

Valley Post

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The great test that made us stronger

The great test that made us stronger

How a fire destroyed everything and the “CRETE TV” and “NK” family had to rebuild everything from scratch

Life’s major tests, whether individual or collective, can have different effects. They can bring us to our knees or they can motivate us to become better and greater. They can be the end or they can be the springboard for a new beginning. To create a better future.

The fire that occurred a year ago, on July 28, 2023, which burned down the facilities of the “KRITH TV” group and completely destroyed the printing press, where the “Nea Kriti” newspaper is published, is a pivotal moment in our history.

And guess what: for the CRETE TV family and the other media outlets that make it up, this disaster was a motivation to become better and bigger and to start a new beginning.

terrible fire

The Night That Changed Everything

In the early hours of Friday, July 28, disaster struck: a fire broke out in the area where the printing press is located, causing incalculable damage to the building, infrastructure and facilities… Fortunately, there were no workers in the printing press. The area and no one was in danger. The night watchman noticed the fire and informed the fire brigade, who arrived in record time and with a truly extraordinary effort prevented its complete destruction and contained the fire to the area from which it started, while not spreading significantly to neighboring areas.

But the consequences were catastrophic! The printing press, the living “heart” of “NK”, was completely destroyed. The building was severely damaged. The fumes containing chemicals from inks etc. occupied all available space and created a terrifying situation. The bill for damage was terrifyingly high, and the effort and cost of complete restoration… were unimaginable. But after the first shock, the determination of the management was unprecedented, and its will was firm: this is not the end of “NK”.

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Crete TV

The main building of “CRETE TV” was almost completely out of order. Relocations, transportation and use of the few spaces that were not significantly affected were required in order to ensure the group’s functioning. Especially with regard to “New Crete”, after a few days, until a series of procedural issues were resolved, the newspaper was published only electronically. It did not even occur to us to suspend publication, in this matter the determination of the management and the will of the workers moved in the same direction. As of August 4, the newspaper was again published in print. However, not at the group’s headquarters, and not in its own printing house. This was completely destroyed in the fire.

But we have already noticed that the group’s management was decisive and clear: the newspaper will not stop! The workers united our voice with the voice of the management and together we said “We continue”! Because this is the essence of life that we have all chosen, publisher and employees: to serve the Cretans every day, without discounts or comforts. And let’s do it no matter what. No matter how many “storms” hit us, no matter how many grievances and unpleasant situations. We do not stop.

The decision was made that the newspaper would get a new printing press so that it could continue publishing. But it would take a long time to get to that point. The damage had to be assessed first, and the circumstances and causes of the fire examined. Then the building had to be cleaned up, the damaged machinery removed, the walls demolished and rebuilt, and after relevant studies were carried out, the infrastructure was essentially created from scratch. At the same time, the management was looking for a suitable press that would serve the vision of NK. The procedures were time-consuming and difficult, and the costs were high.

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The Demetriou family rebuilt everything from scratch. Little by little, each new piece of the “puzzle” that made up the reborn group and its infrastructure was delivered. Even eight months or so after the disaster, we were back to normal!

Light after darkness

The Great Recovery

Crete TV
Crete TV

The newspaper got its own printing press back, which had to be tested in all conditions, tested and made sure that all the problems were solved and we could start printing again in our facilities. Since last March, the newsroom has been restored, which – in addition to the printing press of course – needed the most work, as it had suffered the most damage from the devastating fire.

At the same time, it was also conducting tests of the new printing press installed at its headquarters. Finally, on April 6, the first sheet of “NK” was printed on its own printing press and issued to newsstands.

Crete TV
Crete TV
Crete TV
Crete TV

It was a victory of the will of the management and the efforts of the workers. It was a difficult cycle, in which we were all tested, at all levels. We put our heads aside, worked as if nothing had happened, and did not let anything bother us. Because we knew that the people responsible for the group’s decisions had a plan and a way to bring us back to normal. In a state of creative normality, where we could do what we have always done, all these years that we have been working at New Crete: continue to provide the information that Cretans and Cretans deserve through our daily newspaper.

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So, tomorrow marks one year since the world ended on that catastrophic day. All that remains to remind us of that horrific night are the images of damaged facilities and machinery. Facilities have been rebuilt better, more modern and more functional. Machinery has been replaced with newer and better ones.

We are still here. And we will be for a long time to come.