September 8, 2024

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A family of warships of Greek design from Als Nst

A family of warships of Greek design from Als Nst

By Ioannis Tzagarakis

With its own resources, about 13 years ago, the Greek Als launched a national initiative to design a “family” of NSD warships to increase the deterrence capability of the armed forces and reduce our country’s dependence on foreign countries. needs of our fleet and beyond. This family includes a wide variety of warships, from a modern 55-meter patrol boat to a large 140-meter defense frigate:

  1. Surface Combat Ships (SCS):
  • Als Class 55 Surface Combatant – 530 d
  • Als Class 65 Surface Combatant – 887 d
  • Als Class 85 Surface Combatant – 1.695 d
  • Als class 95 surface combatant – 2.110 d
  • Als class 100 surface combatant – 2.370 d
  • Als class 105 surface combatant – 2.798 d
  • Als Class 110 Surface Combatant – 3.011 d

  1. Area Defense Warships:
  • Als Class 115 Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) – 3,850 tons
  • Als Class 125 Area Defense Frigate – 5.038 d
  • Als Class 140 Area Defense Frigate – 5.922 d

Among others, our initiative has been supported by:

  • Greek academics and researchers are active at home and abroad
  • Shipbuilding Mechanical Engineers, Surveyors Officers, etc. with industrial experience.
  • Retired Officers and Administrators P.N. With excellent qualifications and experience in construction and delivery of new units
  • Foreign and domestic specialty houses in various fields

Als NST systematically monitors the fleet’s dynamically evolving needs, planned based on the specificities of the Aegean Archipelago and Eastern Mediterranean seas and oceans. (Adriatic, Black and Red Seas, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean), adapt to technological developments, incorporate innovative applications, observe and record movement in a fluid geopolitical environment, continuously develop, improve and improve the design and exploration of ships Lessons learned from recent developments/activities of PN . and international engagements and modern warfare.

As part of design development:

  • We have made significant progress at the initial design and integration level with the observations, comments and suggestions we have received from time to time from officials of the Directorate General of Public Affairs, Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Defence.
  • We explored the possibility of participation of Greek companies in the supply of materials and machinery/systems (ship and electronics/weapons) or during the implementation of the project (collaboration).
  • There is enhanced collaboration with major foreign companies to provide information and data on weapons and sensors and platform systems, combat management (CMS), navigation, communications, etc., required to develop detailed studies and projects.
  • We are in touch with test tanks to carry out detailed testing of the model.
  • We have drawn up specification studies and projects in collaboration with foreign and domestic scientific bodies and specialist houses in various fields.
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Since 2010, when our initiative started till date, there have been many presentations of our designs in print and electronic media, in addition to interactions, presentations and discussions with GEN, GDAE and HYPETHA. Presentations of the national ship were also held at the National War Museum, Hellenic Institute of Naval Technology (ELINT).

A special mention of the national ship was also made in the online conference: “Safety and Security – Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean” – 11 December 2020.

One such project was the Als Class 105 SCS design, with a displacement of around 2,800 tonnes, one of the first Als NSTs built.

The project progressed significantly in 2013/2014 based on the design and integration of GEN’s observations and requirements, particularly in meeting its operational requirements in the SE Mediterranean. Later at the request of Ministry of Defence/Keita the Als Class 125 was developed as an Area Defense Frigate with a full displacement of 5,000 tons. This initiative was considered very important as it would adapt our own Greek fleet to the new geopolitical situation in the SE Mediterranean.

The project progressed steadily to the Ministry of Defence, reaching the stage of submitting a specific economic and technical proposal to complete the design of the Als Class 125 down to the basic design. Since 2015, the political and military leadership of the Ministry of Defense has stopped dealing and the proposal has not received the expected response. So, the show ended without anyone giving reasons.

After our participation in DEFEA 2021 and subsequent collaborations, Als NSD has, with great confidence, improved and adapted its ship designs to meet the real needs of a wide range of users, maritime organizations and operational environments.

Als NSD will participate in the International Defense and Security Exhibition (DEFEA) from 9 to 11 May 2023 and will present the new Surface Combatant Ships (SCS), comprising a total of seven (7) ships.

Designed by the Greeks, incorporating the latest lessons learned from aeronautical conflicts/battles and updated with the latest advances in technology, these modern ships are ideal for the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean and associated archipelago or coastal sea areas and seas.

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The new ships are based on a platform with common hydrodynamic characteristics and design philosophy for enhanced survivability. An innate ability to operate, effectively fight and survive in a multi-threat environment, significant capabilities and opportunities for future enhancement so that they can deal with threat developments throughout their long operational careers.

One or more variants of the family of designed warships may be products of an indigenous warship development program tailored to Greek needs.

B.N. Known and most important in safeguarding our country’s national sovereignty and national interests in peace and war.

The design of a modern warship is a complex undertaking that involves high technical risk, especially for countries or shipyards with rich experience and tradition in the field. But this cannot be an alibi for our inaction, even if countries of small size or incomparably small naval heritage dare to do so and have already started or already completed the effort to build indigenous warships. causes

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It is known that modern warships in our country are not commercial but have been researched, designed and developed in the past and have actually achieved great success. The answer to our needs is not just buying foreign boats, they are designed and built by foreigners and in most cases do not cover the real needs of the PN. And we are not left with them, but spending huge sums to improve our internal defense sector, starting with ships with sufficient capabilities to meet our national needs.

The issue of the Greek defense sector is a national issue and we, citizens and rulers, should all see it as such. Someday our defense spending should be directed towards employing Greek hands and developing the Greek economy, not just supporting foreign governments and their associated economies and shipyards.

Suspended in 2015, it could be resumed to meet the immediate needs of both the Navy and the Coast Guard, while also cooperating with Cyprus and other allied countries or with similar needs.

Given the lack of financial resources, it is necessary to return to domestic solutions that are less expensive than imported ones, and to immediately restart the national ship design and construction program. Greeks.

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The major advantages of building a warship include:

  1. Enhancing the deterrence capability of the Armed Forces (AF).
  2. Reducing the cost of our country’s dependence and equipment projects abroad
  3. Increase in coverage rate of equipment needs of Greek ED. From the national defense sector, it is an increase in GDP, recovery of jobs lost during the crisis, increase in domestic added value, increase in employment in high-tech sectors and assistance of Greek industry in transition to a new era and exports.
  4. Design of boats according to special operational requirements of PN. and L.S.
  5. Utilizing existing knowledge and experience in the field of security
  6. Replacement of old naval units
  7. Use weapons and sensors that are in good condition and with remaining operational life (by upgrading or replacing them) to control acquisition costs.
  8. Creating conditions for the design and construction of ships for export

Mr. Prokopio’s purchase of HENAE and the development of the Elefsina shipyard give hope for the reconstruction of the country’s major shipyards, which can build modern warships. In this case, the cost of construction in Greece can be up to 25% lower than the equivalent abroad. This difference also justifies the assumption of associated business risk.

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The risk is too high, the time to develop a new design is too long, we don’t have the necessary technical knowledge, we don’t have suitable and sufficient personnel, or the cost of developing such a design is too high and many negative and pessimistic opinions. These are the ideas that are widely circulated in political, press and other circles without anyone asking or knowing how many years and money Greek designed and built “fighter” gunboats cost. In simple words, they don’t want to do anything or order from abroad, which boat and at what price it is delivered to us. And instead of building the ship we want, we justify to ourselves that it’s better than the one we rejected (also overseas) ordered at a higher price!

In our opinion, the above positions and opinions are arguments and devoid of national perspective and the only thing they cover is …

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