If you’re even remotely interested in luxury bags, you’ve probably heard of them Classic bag Chanel with flap or Hermes Birkin. But you may not have heard of it small bag Ha MSCHF.
Measuring less than 0.03 inches wide, the “Delicate Handbag” by MSCHF from the New York-based artists’ collective is so small that it The human eye can hardly see it when it is in finger tip. but, It sold for more than $60,000 at auction this week.
Neo-green and built through 3D printer with printing methods 2-photon polymerizationthe bag — which was modeled after her iconic OnTheGo campaign Louis Vuitton – Visible through a file microscope. Upon close examination through a microscope, one can clearly see the letter “LV” on the front of the bag.
according to guardianthe Small object from MSCHFwhich technically has more dimensions 657 x 222 x 700 micronsIt was sold by public auction Jupiteron the Internet auction building founded it Pharrell Williams. According to Joopiter, the item sold for $63,750.
It is worth noting that the producer, rapper and singer Happy Today is Creative Director of Louis Vuitton Menswearbut reportedly did not contact MSCHF when creating the bag that resembles the trademark, according to The New York Times.
Kevin Wisner, MSCHF’s chief creative officer, told the publication that Williams “He loves big hats, we made him an incredibly small bag».
At the auction of a young lamb, MSCHF described its creation as “Smaller than a grain of salt” And “The last word in the briefcase thumbnail».
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