Humane’s long-awaited Ai Pin is finally here. Artificial intelligence startup Humane has unveiled its innovative AI-powered smartphone.
The company revealed how this phone works, how much it costs (much less than an iPhone, but requires a monthly subscription) and when you can pre-order it (starting next week). The mobile phone will be launched in the markets in 2024.
In a 10-minute video posted Thursday, Humane co-founders Imran Chaudhry and Bethany Bongiorno — two former Apple employees who also happen to be married — introduced Ai Pin to the audience.
This is the Humanity AI pin https://t.co/ytUSGF3y55 pic.twitter.com/Zrcoaf49u7
-Humanitarian (@Humanitarian) November 9, 2023
Starting at $699, the Ai Pin is a standalone, screen-less, AI-powered device that can be integrated into your clothing.
Working with the GPT-4 language model, the Ai Pin contains a camera, sensors and speakers as well as a small display device with which it can display information in the palm of your hand.
The device will come in three different colors and the package includes a dock, charging case, additional battery booster, cable and adapter. Humane also offers unlimited calling, texting, and data through its dedicated phone number.
According to Chaudhry, Humane’s goal is to create devices for tomorrow’s world, a world where AI is used to its full potential in everyday life.
During the video, one of the AI Pin creators asks him to play music from popular sci-fi movies. Pin projects a beam of light into his palm and displays information such as the track title as well as command buttons (play, pause, etc.). Choudhury can pause or skip the track depending on which way he waves his hand. Pin links to Tidal’s music catalog.
Pin can also answer voice questions by scanning the web in real time. Chaudhry asks the device: “When will the next eclipse occur and where is the best place to see it?” Within seconds, Ben responds that the next total solar eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024, and recommends viewing it in Australia or East Timor.
In terms of communication, Chaudhry demonstrated the AI Pin’s ability to send texts and edit them to appear more enthusiastic, communicate his messages, find information in long messages, and make phone calls.
Additionally, Pin can translate voice messages from English to Spanish. In addition, it has “intelligent” vision. During the demonstration, Choudhury holds up a handful of almonds and asks Ben how much protein is in them. He replies, “15 grams.” Then I showed him a book that Pin would recognize and price online.
Using the innovative device requires obtaining a special phone number through T-Mobile, in addition to paying a monthly subscription of $24, in addition to the cost of the device itself.
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