A video Mount Athos They seem to be mentioned in it Explosions In the sanctuary Esfigmenou Monastery. They have plans Recorded on Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th AprilOh, and they are heard in these Four explosions In a field in front of a house.
As stated Archimandrite Bartholomew, Abbot of Mount Athos Monastery“SOS “rape”” of Mount Athos ahead of the elections! On Saturday, April 22, 2023, the colonists of the central building of our monastery are taking advantage of the election announcement and the relative “lack of governance” and corresponding laxity of law enforcement prevailing in such periods (a Greek phenomenon), Athos. Set up provocations within the mountain Intimidation of police officers and espigmanite pickets.
Especially, when Settlers publicly claim they are under a 24-hour suffocating siege As they were told that they were starving inside a central building, they went a kilometer away from the occupied central building to the seat of Agios Tryphonos, where some regular Espygmenite monks lived and destructively intervened in the olive groves in front of Agios. Tryphonos, meanwhile, threatens the monks who inhabit the seat.
The The police were called by the management of our monastery To protect the people and property of the Math. The occupiers waited for the police with cellphones in hand, broadcasting live on the internet a stage set up to show them being allegedly besieged, being threatened and their rights being violated, while the exact opposite was evident in their video.
On the one hand, there are those who say that the Internet “of the devil”, How are they prevented by technology, and how? “Monks” don’t deal with technology or videosThey streamed videos live online to demonstrate their staged provocation.
“Threatens the police”
No, they were not the only ones besieged, but As can be seen in the video, the leader of the occupation, Papalamprakopoulos Mathios (who goes around under the nickname “Methadios”) threatens the police. He would call 100 monks to commit violence against them, blood would be shed and he would “break the legs” of the Sphinxenite monks. Yes! Speaking of frail old men who are starving, he summons 100 “monks” to slaughter the guards.
In There are 25-35 colonists. The leadership team consists of around 5-10 people. Nothing to do with the cachectic 90 year olds they present themselves to be. The occupation has ties to underworld people, martial arts, and far-right groups. At the call of Methodius, he could easily get 100 husky men (perhaps armed) to enter through wide open unguarded frontiers. To the back door of Mount Athos on the Komitsa coast of New Rhodes (every ancient’s delight).
At this time – from midnight to dawn on April 23 – the The settlers set the branches on fire In the olive grove near the seat of Agios Tryphonos, there would be a fire in the house and the lives of the Spimenite monks would be in danger.
The Police officers in a spectator role. A “rape” ensues and they watch. The Minister, the Deputy Minister of Citizens Security, the Inspector General of Police and the Civil Command are aware of the situation, but the political elites say that they cannot enforce the law. Unrest on Mount Athos ahead of elections.
However, the reality is how it is Settlers Knowing this passive attitude of the police and the government, they take advantage of it Increase unrest within Mount Athos ahead of elections.
That is, the Political elites do not allow the police to function The law for elections is called “political expenditure” so that – for the ruling party – the votes of the GOH and other supporters of Methodius, the abuser of Agios Piesios and the longing of Hitler will not be “lost”.
Also, the following outrageous thing happens. For some unknown reason, as seen in the video, the guards, sitting in attention-grabbing postures, call the unflappable secularists “Daddy” and “Senior”! Meanwhile, the occupiers have set up a roadblock to prevent the police from reaching the crime scene. This is said to be the persecution faced by slum dwellers. The squatters harass the guards and holy monks.
Anat mount Athos. We will not allow the Orthodox Church to become a den of people who do not belong to it. Raza’s illegal secularists are nostalgic for Hitler and military rule. The management of the monastery has all legal rights such as complaints to competent European and international bodies.
Mount Athos and presumably the Ecumenical Patriarchate are persecuted From the government’s impunity toleration of the crime committed. Let us all unite to condemn the persecution and rape of Mount Athos and our church for the future of our children!”
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