Clear advice against it Arias Agatsa In what he mentioned on the Katerina Kenorgio program, he unleashed Elena Akrita After a serious complaint from him Giorgos Kapotzidis.
More specifically, it all started when the artist revealed that A certain program asks gay couples to come out and talk about family and their rights, on condition There will be people against voting. To the bill, until there is opposition.
And so Katerina Kenouriou played this excerpt and asked for comment from ESIEA Vice President Arya Agatsa, who was quick to justify what happened on the show, responding to Giorgos Kapotzidis saying “But, on the other hand, there is the following counter-argument. You cannot give an update from one side. When there is an issue that concerns us all and is being hotly debated, it is good for viewers and listeners not to hear bias on that issue. And of course we respect all opinions.”
These statements were answered by the representative of the Syriza party, Elena Akrita, who pointed out that homophobia is not an opinion. Leave the spikes against Aria Agatsa.
Elena Akreta – Reply to Aria Agatsa
“On the occasion of Kaputzidis’ statements about ESIEA’s responsibilities in not taking into account ethics in LGBT+ affairs, our Federation’s Vice President, Mrs. Aria Agatsa, said in a classic TV program: “All opinions must be heard.”
“All points of view.”
“All opinions,” that blight.
Lady Agatha, homophobia is not an “opinion”. It’s obscurantism. It’s the Middle Ages, it’s violence, it’s witches’ fire. It’s death. As we speak, a 15-year-old boy is in hospital after being beaten almost to death by his monster relatives for “confessing” to being gay.
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