Christophoros Papakaliatis met him Antinous Albani And they both have a lot to say about it Musical band leader. The two spoke on the show’s podcast and talked about their relationship, with Blue joining in on the “ejaculate“Although it was not there in the beginning but also for…the anger that is there.
Blue is Antinoos Albanis’ dog who has been with him for seven years and found himself playing in the series. As she said, Christophoros Papakaliatis had known her for two months. Although he did not wish to accompany him on errands, some thoughts led him to accept Papakaliatis’ suggestion. “I said that in 20 years that dog might not be around. Let it be recorded somewhere so I can see it and remember it.”
As revealed Christophoros Papakaliatis Then the dog was not even in the text. But it was added later to serve the conspiracy.
In the script, there was no doctor dog in the beginning. I put it with the view that Michalis the doctor has a dog, Because I wanted him to have something that he would love very much and something that would connect him beyond everything that is in his past with Marissa. So I thought how to drive it At the crime scene through Blu. After reflecting on the end of “Marika,” I went back and set its course in terms of living life,” explained Christophoros Papakaliatis.
He even stated that the scene of Marika’s death and her subsequent “burial” were some of the most difficult things he had been asked to do so far in his career, as he had to think about burying his dog.
The hardest scene. I will be angry with Christophoros Papakaliatis for many years for thisIn the scene that made me bury the dog,” Antinous Albanis said at the beginning.
“Not only does it put me through the process of grieving my dog, I should be the one to open the hole and put her in. It was one of the most difficult moments of my trip. We are talking about my dog. Therefore, I had another connection to what was happening, it was a very difficult moment, “added Antinos Albanis.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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