March 16, 2025

Valley Post

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As a “fat lady with glasses”, I would say let’s reconsider political correctness

As a “fat lady with glasses”, I would say let’s reconsider political correctness

in Maturity My which coincided with dominance Super models On this planet, I was thickafter glasses And Brackets“For anyone who doesn’t know me and was a mutual acquaintance who mentioned me trying to help with identification.

The content of all the magazines that were in circulation at the time (and had nothing to do with me), as well as the gossip of those around me, also became in my mind “the fat one with glasses and braces.”

the Respect my self She disappeared from me and was ignored for years.

how many?

What I needed to do was realize that there was no universal obligation to be like most of the people around me.

The basic premise was to discover who I am and then find what makes me feel comfortable in my own skin.

And so the process of loving myself became easier.

No matter what others (aka “the world”) think I “should” be like.

Of course to get to this consciousness I was closer to forty than twenty.

I had also exhausted myself with Diets Or other options that were supposed to “fit in” with the whole, which I wasn’t particularly interested in.

However, I did not want to have anything to do with social conventions on any other level.

In appearance I would like to have?

However, since I have been given the relevant adjectives/comments, I have learned not to attribute them.

Then you entered our lives Political correctness.

Like all the other terms he coined for awakening, the list includes: Body shame It exists in the “background” of the text you are reading, and it arose so that humanity would learn not to offend and not to inflict wounds, through behaviors that were acceptable to previous generations.

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I have a feeling that it has developed into an extreme situation that goes beyond fascism.

This is how he gets tired and doesn’t wake up – finally.

Marking her decision Alcestis protopsalti To avoid using the word “particle” in the interpretation of the song titled “Let’s go to Adonis for coffee” (even though he “kept” the nervousness – which is also offensive because he “judges” randomly) I invited my (excellent) sociologist friend on the phone.

I wanted to share some of my fears and “give it away” to me Social Approaching.

We agreed that political correctness is useful, but it has its limits.

Of course, these have to be determined at some point.

Ideally before we change the content of all the movies and songs from decades ago that were full of stereotypes from what we now know (from study results) to have mental health consequences.

Deleting offensive adjectives doesn’t change anything

Therefore, before proceeding to delete words, phrases and ideas that for some reason have entered a particular cultural moment from texts and music of the higher cultural repertoire, it is useful to understand something.

As the friend (the sociologist) pointed out, when something is created, it is constituted in a specific cultural moment and “says” things about it – that specific cultural moment.

That doesn’t mean she’s “saying” the same things now.

Data cannot be undone in seconds, with the most distinctive ease of cultural creativity.

For example, its plot That’s what they all do (That’s What They All Do) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is about a woman who is naturally attracted to a man, and if left alone for too long, someone might tempt her.

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“But that’s what they all do,” says the title.

So let’s “cancel” Mozart too.

Don’t get the ball Cancel culture His too.

I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about what’s happening out there, where for some trivial reason – for a position that might compromise “political correctness” – people from any field are eliminated.

Meanwhile, “cancelled” doesn’t just mean they’ve disappeared from the map Social media.

They’re canceling in the real world too.

The question is whether it actually changes anything.

Poetic Protopsalty License

Following Protopsalti’s decision not to say the word “thick,” Stamatis Kronakis provided context for the time when he and Lena Nikolakopoulou wrote “Let’s Go to Adonis for Coffee” and explained that the word was directed at a well-known man.

As gay slang, as my sociologist friend told me.

He added that we cannot (have no meaning and impact) remove cultural moments. However, at the same time, an artist performing live can do so, thanks to poetic licence, if they are interested in making a statement.

a permit.

This is what Cantor did.

The problem is how we managed her decision.

As with the “scandalous” disappearance, there are joint demonstrations.

Let’s not forget what’s important

Because we live in an age where we have all become very skilled at pointing the finger at everyone else for the slightest thing and putting it all on them. The same boilerWe have succeeded in losing in this “dust” its importance movements And based on expressions Which was “born” from the need to make everything disappear Disgrace.

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My friend had to point this out:

“Creationism is written, rewritten and misinterpreted every time it is heard and interpreted. Even if we deny everything, because it is a stigma, the problem is not solved. Stereotypes and inequalities still exist.”

So, instead of “wiping out” words, it may be helpful to focus on the words of awakening. In practical ways that will help even those who stubbornly refuse to understand the importance and need for equality.

Just as every man has many things. First of all, it has a name. At the same time, there are many different ways to describe it without coming close to verbal abuse.

Wherever we get to political correctness, and no matter how much we are “attracted” to it, the focus will remain the awakening of those who want to see the world change for the better.

So let’s deal with it a little more.