Astronomers have detected an act of extreme violence, more than half a world away – based on existing knowledge about the universe: the moment a black hole ripped apart a star it came too close to.
As mentioned before NASA on its website link to black holes The gravity of a black hole is so strong that nothing (not even light) can escape once it reaches a certain region (called event horizon)”.
However, in the study that has been published On Wednesday 30/11 it was confirmed that this was not a normal case, but only 1 of 4 examples – the last being in 2011.
This is what happened, as he presented it European Southern Observatory (ESO), with animation.
But what made the way a black hole ripped apart a passing star so special?
Airplanes that don’t appear often
All of the following happened this past February. The Astronomers’ Report was submitted in April, accepted in October and published on 11/30.
As they reported, they noticed the “afterglow” current that followed the disaster (experts call it a tidal disturbance event), heading in a direct shot, toward Earth.
As noted, the brightest event was at the furthest point ever recorded.
“It all began when an ominous star approached a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in a near-parabolic orbit and disintegrated into a stream of gaseous debris.”
This is the description (in simple words) of what follows, as given by the astronomer University of MarylandIgor Andreoni V.I Sci Tech Daily.
“The star flew very close to a supermassive black hole. It was violently torn apart by the black hole’s tidal forces — just as the moon pulls tides on Earth — but with an even greater force.
Parts of the star were then ‘captured’ by a rapidly spinning disk around the black hole.
Finally, the black hole swallowed what was left of the doomed star in the disk.”
This is what astronomers call TDE.
However, a supermassive black hole rarely exits “relativistic planes” (relative planes), after the destruction of a star. These packets of matter that travel close to the speed of light remain among the greatest mysteries of the universe.
Scientists said the ejected jet (AT2022cmc, or infrared/optical/ultraviolet light curve) was initially red before decaying over four days to a blue hue.
The last time such aircraft were seen was a decade ago.
“Optical and ultraviolet observations revealed a rapidly fading red ‘glow’ that quickly turned into a slow blue ‘plateau’, allowing the study of two components resulting from tidal disruption: the relativistic jet and the thermal component, from associated stellar debris accumulating in the black hole.”
The exploding debris was so luminous that astronomers detected a TDE from the dwarf galaxy a million light-years away.
In the end, we are left with the sound produced by black holes – as provided by NASA.
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