In the classic short story by Antonis Samarakis, the protagonist, who reflects on the state of the world as he...
The "Nekropol Ecomenica Monument", a 14-story cemetery, will be his final residence pelletwhich even overlooks Santos Stadium.Three-time World Cup champion,...
The news of his death ex popethe first to abdicate in the past six centuries for health reasons in 2013,...
At a rapid pace, one after another, countries are “vaccinating” against China, after the outbreaks of coronavirus cases that appear...
With independent estimates of the epidemic wave in China bringing the toll to 1.8 million cases and 11,000 deaths per...
Almost three years after the onset of the new epidemic Corona Virushow many died The data is imprecise, and the...
Yesterday, Cavusoglu’s threats that Turkey would not allow Greece to extend its territorial waters even by one mile leave no...
With the help of technology, an amazing Pele goal turned outOne of the most beautiful goals in the history of...
As long as the Chinese pack ... bags for Europe, that's it The old continent's anxiety is growingSeeing the new...
its end The war between Russia and Ukraine It looms, within the year 2023, if one believes the prediction they...