The story of a 55-year-old unemployed father who lost his life BulletHe lived in poverty. As reports, the 55-year-old...
During his long career he was known by many nicknames: in the 1980s, he was "Centenary Park Rape». In the...
"We should be ashamed to be human", the phrase could be its conclusion Heart breaking story Zacharias, by BulletAn unemployed...
First entry: Friday, December 2, 2022, 01:20 The search for Dimitrova Nikolina took a tragic turn when the woman's...
What did he discuss? Christos Stygoras In his meeting with bank representatives 59 Shares After a meeting held by the...
funeral rites Our beloved husband, father, brother and uncle Jurobulo cross Age 79 The deceased will be buried on Thursday...
During today's hearing in the Special Court In charge of Ministers Where does the investigation take place? Television licences In...
The lawyer for the 21-year-old's family says 1,500 euros were stolen Hope that his culprit will be found 1,500 euros...
The Bad Weather "ARIEL" The National Meteorological Service (EMY) has released and is hitting the country in the last few...
It is expected to be a rough night for the residents of the Zaragon community A new earthquake in the...