The Midnight Gospel is an anime series created by Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time. The show is about...
The Jungle Book 2 is slated to release in 2022. Development on the action-packed sequel began in 2016 after The...
As Google looks to the future of Android and the philosophy of tablets at the platform level, you can't help...
There were a lot of half-hearted jokes after Google announced the Pixel Watch at I/O last week, mostly because rumors...
May continues, and that means Xbox Game Pass subscribers will get a second wave of releases in the catalog. Microsoft...
A premature notice from the Game Pass app has revealed some games that will be dropping from the service soon....
Publishers Koei Tecmo and DMME Games will be released PC A copy of Token Ranbu Warriors via steam Companies announced...
Placeholder while loading article actionsLast week, PlayStation chief Jim Ryan sent employees an email asking them to "respect differences of...
Photo: GameMill Entertainmentwhen Nickelodeon All Star Brawl It launched on the Switch in October 2021, and comparisons to a particular...
Nintendo has announced a new console for the Nintendo Switch, Switch Lite, and Switch OLED consoles. Since the Switch first...