Greece will be “present” at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona 2023, the most important in the field of digital technologies and innovative applications worldwide, with the largest platform to date (total area 154 square meters), in order to meet the growing participation needs of 44 companies Innovative Greek technology.
The national participation, at Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023, was organized by the Hellenic Investment and Foreign Trade Company (Enterprise Greece), in collaboration with the Association of Innovative Application Companies of Greece (SEKEE) and with the support of the Ministry of Digital Governance.
At the most important event in the field of digital technologies and innovative applications worldwide, which will be held from February 27 to March 2 at the Fira Gran Via exhibition center in Barcelona, our country celebrates ten years of continuous presence.
This year, Greece will be “present” at the fair with its largest stand to date (total area of 154 square metres), in order to meet the growing participation needs of 44 innovative Greek companies and technologies.
As stated in a related announcement, the national delegation at MWC Barcelona 2023 has the active support and participation of organizations such as EGG-EUROBANK, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship “ARCHIMATES”, the National Center for Research and Technological Development (EKETA), the National Registry “Elevate Greece”, and the Chamber of Athens Trade and Industry (EBEA) and Athens Business Incubator (THEA), HELEXPO BEYOND, NBG Seeds of the National Bank, Pleiades IoT Innovation Cluster, iQnovus Innovation Center of Unisystems, as well as Phaistos 5G Ventures investment fund.
In addition to the above organizations, mission support from companies like Samsung Electronics Hellas and Vantage Towers is very important. Collaboration with the European PRAXI Network, the Association of Mobile Telephone Carriers (EEKT), as well as the Hellenic Emerging Technologies Association (HETIA) shows the strong interest in the existence of the ecosystem in this international organization.
This year’s assignment includes, among others, the following companies: Acromove, Akronic, Argo Semiconductors, Atlantis Consulting, Calpak, Dotsoft, Excelon Financial Services, Eyeonix, Finloup, Inaccel, Inteligg, iQNovus, M-Sensis, M-Stat, Megaventory And Mind Your Hair, Mobics, MOBITO, Modulus, Novelcore, Optechain, Prisma Electronics, Probotek, Regate, Run4More, Safesize, Seavalley, Sigfox hella, Tetragon, Traqbeat, Vertoyo, Yodiwo, 7Seas Innovation.
More than 300 Greek companies that participated in the MWC in previous years had the opportunity to conclude important agreements and cooperations, while the results were also excellent in the field of networking. The relevant list includes several leading Greek innovation companies, of which the MWC has greatly helped in promoting its extroversion, while there have also been cases where the foundations have been laid for Greek companies to take the next step in their business development.
In recent years, the Greek participation in MWC Barcelona has been combined with its presence in 4YFN, which takes place simultaneously and is one of the leading international events in the field of technology startups, where startups, innovative companies and investment funds meet. The merger of MWC – 4YFN has resulted in multiplying benefits in previous years and based on this, forecasts and forecasts for 2023 have come up.
In addition, as part of MWC Barcelona, one of the largest technology conferences takes place, with CEOs of major companies from the digital field and beyond, participating in numerous sessions and modules, and discussing upcoming global market trends.
Source: RES-MPE
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