July 19, 2023 | 09:51
You may sometimes hear people say that film was something very important for its time and that at another time it was not as valuable. It looks vague. with both films Don’t breathe, you can tell what whoever says it means.
They are two genre films on the same level. The first, the original, has a more intense excitement, but the distance is zero. The second is a mix of action and thriller and is more reminiscent of Van Damme’s films.
However, the first, which was released in 2016, was one of the films that signaled the return of action and horror, while the second was a minor hit, yet it did not touch the same scenes at all. Except the United States.
Because in those 98 minutes that Don’t Breathe 2 lasts, uploaded to Netflix, you see a very satisfying stick from the protagonist, you have twist after twist and you also have a lot of intense violence and splashes.
It is appropriate for the script to reflect the position of the protagonist, thus shifting the viewer’s view of him, always in relation to the first film. It’s like that meme that says when you watch a lion-side documentary, you’re happy when deer eats it. When you see it from the side of the deer, you get upset.
In the first Don’t Breathe, the hero is the villain of the case who captured 4 young men in his house and killed them one by one. Here, in a second, is the good guy. Or is it more sinister? or good? Or neither and he’s just a survivor, a guy who knows how to take advantage of every sound and movement.
Being blind, the hero is called to deal with a group of 5 veterans, who are going to his house to kidnap his granddaughter, after he kills the woman he hired to take her for walks and keep her company.
The little girl, who thought he was her father, appears to be the daughter of another, one of the Five, the Chief, who has gone to take her and kill the blind Oka. From this sentence, one might think that the turning point of the movie is that Oukas has done something inhuman again.
But pretty quickly, we understand that her dad hasn’t shown up after all these years because he loves and misses her. He wants her to take her organs and transplant them into her mother, his wife, because the little girl is her only compatible donor.
With 10 well-trained and fully armed men, the blind man gets involved and outmaneuvers them, before ending up in a final fight with the girl’s father. Where she will make a mistake, which will determine the final result of asserting her right to protection.
Don’t Breathe is well done in the fight scenes, has clever decisions in many of them and summons, strange as it may seem with so much blood and so much violence, an inner gratification of a moral nature. In the end the right thing prevails. Oh, and that none of us are villains in all of the stories.
Some, like Oukas, are good in some stories and very bad in others. And this balance of terror inevitably leads to death.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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