Confusion and confusion for 4 zodiac signs in the week from 09/18/2023 to 09/24/2023
September becomes more complex in its course, as it may make it very difficult to draw conclusions about what concerns us. The Sun’s opposition with Neptune on 09/19/2023, which is dominant at the beginning of the week, creates a feeling that we are walking a little in the fog, as what we can see is only a few meters away, without us having the general picture from where we are walking. This means careful steps, and if we have to rely on something, it better be objectively measurable rather than in imaginary scenarios. The mind easily plays with this aspect. You can read more about the opposition of the Sun and Neptune By clicking here. Fortunately as the week progresses, a Sun-Pluto trine will form on Thursday and will help clear the scene as we will be in the mood to dig deeper into the facts and take a more philosophical approach to things. Autumn actually begins the moment the Sun moves into Libra and we have the Autumnal Equinox on 9/23. Our days will slowly start to get shorter, and the nights get longer. The Libra sign is all about relationships and partnerships. Joining forces with others who can complement us will bring more balance to our daily lives both personally and professionally. During the next four weeks of the Sun’s journey in Libra, let us be more open to acquaintances and relationships, but let us also enjoy the beautiful aspects of life by upgrading our aesthetics. The only thing that needs attention is the expenses we incur to satisfy our desires. The opposition of Mars from Libra to Chiron in Aries on Sunday plays little into our insecurities, especially in our personal relationships, or brings out old “wounds” that become an obstacle to creating healthy relationships.
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But let’s see what are the 4 signs that will cause bewilderment and confusion in the week of 09/18/2023 – 09/24/2023
The week begins with your attention somewhat scattered, the main aspect affecting you is the Sun’s opposition to Neptune, which you can read more about By clicking here. On the one hand, you may have a lot of ideas and enthusiasm for your new career plans, and on the other hand, you may be thinking about your personal and family matters and your mind is racing without being able to focus on the minutes and what needs to be solved. Or you may feel that you have to meet the demands of work and the demands of your loved ones and that you do not have enough time to please everyone. It is clear that you cannot please everyone, but with priorities everything will be fine. However, Tuesday is a somewhat “fuzzy” day and it is a good idea to avoid making big decisions. Things will be clearer on Thursday as the Sun approaches Pluto. In fact, this day may also be financially significant for you. If a family matter has bothered you in the past, you may find a solution and put it behind you. The entry of the Sun on 09/23 into Libra always represents a more enjoyable period for you, especially social. You will find this more than the other month and it is certainly more beneficial and clear in its effects. Love relationships, the pleasant moments in your daily life where you can go out, meet friends, enjoy a show, a movie, a nice dinner at a restaurant, a concert, will intensify over the next four weeks. The period itself will be particularly emotional for your sign or zodiac sign. You can make new acquaintances, flirt, spend quality time with your children and be in an overall better mood. If you were born at the end of the second decan, with Mars opposing Chiron on Sunday, complaints from a friend or even your romantic partner are likely to arise. Don’t skip them and listen carefully.
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The week begins with some confusion as the Sun in your sign opposes Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, 9/19. You can read more about the appearance By clicking here. Although you are a sign that relies on logic to draw conclusions, with this aspect your mind can deceive you. You can get carried away by your emotions and create an imaginary image of yourself that may be far from reality. On the other hand, you may feel disappointed if you trusted someone in the past and their behavior disappointed you. But my advice is not to try to impose a solution at the beginning of the week. Let Wednesday pass and after you have more composure see how you would manage a strange situation. On 9/21, the Sun of your sign meets Pluto in a triangle, an aspect that strengthens you and gives you greater determination to take control of your life. The birthday party ends on 9/23 as the Sun moves into the next sign, Libra, and draws your attention in more practical directions. Financial and professional matters will occupy you more, which will intensify next month. The next four weeks are an ideal period to update your CV, polish your professional profile, research your financial prospects and of course make conscious choices in your investments and purchases. You will engage in your work in order to become more productive. Of course, since Mars is also in Libra at the same time, pay more attention to your expenses. Use the next four weeks to learn in detail about your financial budget, how to secure more income and how to manage your ever-increasing expenses. It’s time to cut unnecessary expenses. Mars’ Chiron opposition on Sunday requires your attention to physical and mental health issues if you were born in the second decade.
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The week starts with enough stress and obligations. Whether you like it or not, work is taking up more and more space and time in your life. The Sun opposes Neptune on 9/19, an aspect you can read more about By clicking hereOn the one hand it creates a veil of confusion and instability in the work matters you are trying to clarify, and on the other hand it increases demands in other areas such as family and home. Even if it’s not the home that requires it, the needs of a partner or significant other from your personal environment may be. The helpful aspect of the Sun and Pluto on Thursday 9/21 will encourage you to draw conclusions based on objective evidence and not on assumptions. In fact, for those born in the third decade, it is possible that with this aspect, an interesting proposal will arise in your career with a great financial consideration. If September was just work-work-work without opportunities to unwind and spend some pleasant moments, then from 9/23 you can expect something better. The Sun leaves the career sector and Virgo and moves into Libra, the sign that symbolizes your friendships, shared activities with like-minded and sympathetic people, and your social life. It is clear that you will be more open to invitations during the next four weeks and you will better combine commitments, responsibilities and fun. Since Libra symbolizes teamwork in your zodiac sign, it begins a period of uniting efforts with others, the team you work with, and your partners in order to obtain positive results. Of course, Mars was also in the same sign a few weeks ago, creating greater action but also potential tensions between you and people you may work with or maintain friendly relationships with. Mars’ opposition to Chiron on Sunday could bring up some complaints or some pent-up emotions that you have to process and sort out within yourself.
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The week starts with a lot of pressure. But perhaps even more stressful is the opposition aspect between the Sun in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, which you can read more about By clicking here. This aspect, which dominates at the beginning of the week and becomes subtle on Tuesday, creates a feeling of confusion in matters of relationships, whether personal or professional. There can easily be misunderstandings or misunderstandings these days as our minds can deceive us. However, the effect will not last long, so at least avoid making important decisions or taking things to extremes in the relationship. Even in a professional partnership, you may feel like someone is withholding some important information from you. Since you won’t get it right no matter how hard you try, it’s best to let those days pass. The next aspect, the Sun’s trine with Pluto on 9/21, will help you clarify the scene more easily. So be patient. Someone in your circle of friends can help or support you in making a new decision or goal. On 9/23, the sun leaves Virgo and moves into Libra on the autumn equinox. Your attention will be more focused on matters related to practical matters in your daily life, especially financial matters. You must create a better balance between income and expenses and balance your balance sheet. Your area of relationships and partnerships remains particularly active, of course, with Mercury continuing its transit through Virgo until 4/10. The influence of the Sun from Libra combined with Mars in the same sign will highlight the financial matters you manage with others or your family, matters related to taxes, investments, loans, cards and credits. Because this effect can exhaust you psychologically and cause you stress, find ways to relax during the day. If you were born in the second decade, pay more attention to your health on Sunday with the Mars-Chiron opposition.
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