October 18, 2024

Valley Post

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“Blue Homeland” as “Living Space”

“Blue Homeland” as “Living Space”

1) “Blue Homeland” as “living space”

Europe and the West turn a blind eye to Turkey as they turned a blind eye to Hitler, whom they tried to appease by tolerating violent annexations.

The “Blue Homeland” doctrine is nothing more than a plan to seize half of the Aegean Sea and its islands from Greece. It was recently decided to teach the “Blue Homeland” doctrine in Turkish schools, as part of an educational program entitled “The Century of Türkiye.”

In the ninth grade, according to this program, “the importance of Turkey’s geographical features will be emphasized. Maps related to the ‘Blue Country’ and the ‘Ethereal Country’ will be discussed.”

In the same lesson, Turkey’s struggle against claims that ignore its legal and geographical rights in the Sea of ​​Islands (including the Aegean Sea) and the eastern Mediterranean is justified.

Grade 10 “will explain the reasons why Turkey is not a party to UNCLOS, and its rights in international waters today and in the future.”

In essence, children from the third year of secondary school onwards will learn that the Aegean Sea is not called the Aegean Sea, but rather the “Sea of ​​Islands”, while the map of the “Blue Homeland” shows the extent of sovereign rights claimed by the leadership and the majority neighbor as it did. This region also includes the islands of the eastern Aegean Sea.

In essence, the “Blue Homeland” doctrine is no less than the “living space” doctrine on which Nazi Germany was based in its military invasions of neighboring countries.

The doctrine of “living space” (Lebensraum) began to be cultivated among the German population from the 1890s. “Living space” became a geopolitical goal of the German Empire during World War I (1914-1918) as a plan for territorial expansion.

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The most extreme form of this doctrine after the 1930s was supported by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany until the end of World War II. The period in which the principle of “living space” was born and flourished was the era of demographic and industrial prosperity in Germany, just as was the case in recent years with Turkey as well.

Turkey questions Greek sovereign rights, and Greece, facing demographic and economic aging, is trying to adapt by invoking international law and trying to involve the great powers in its affairs, giving them influence. It’s not the first time he’s done something like this. The entire premise of supporting the Greek Revolution was based on this strategy.

Last week, on the anniversary of the fall of Istanbul to the Ottomans, the Turkish president made a wide-ranging and related gesture.

“Although some still cannot accept it, Istanbul is Turkish, Istanbul is Muslim and will remain so forever,” he told KO. ruling party 571the holiday.

The Turkish President also directed his arrows at those who have an opposite point of view to the conquest, saying: “Those who call the conquest of Constantinople an occupation, and those who write on the walls that ‘oppression began in 1453, are no different from the hordes of the Turks.’” The Crusaders who plundered women and cities before the conquest in 250 years.”

The Turkish president – like a large majority of his neighbors obsessed with Eurasian ideology and anti-Westernism – views history as a struggle between Islam and Christianity or between East and West.

According to this understanding, there are periods in which Islam and the East prevail and the borders expand into the heart of Europe, and periods in which they recede, such as the period of the Crusades and the period of disintegration and dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, which began 200 years ago. With the Greek Revolution.

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The Aegean Sea, Cyprus and the Libyan Sea as well as Islamic communities within the European Union. They are pawns in the game of regaining the “living space” that Türkiye seeks.

The sooner Europe and the West as a whole wake up at the geopolitical level, the less it will cost to stop Turkish pursuits, along with the efforts of the rest of the reactionary powers. What Türkiye is planning against Greece and its neighbors, Russia is implementing in Ukraine. Old empires seek to remake themselves by expanding their rule over their former possessions.

The bet for us, apart from our deterrent power, is that there will be greater Western aid compared to that given by the Venetians and Genoese during the fall. As in 1453, prayers are not enough, nor are delusions of past historical grandeur.

It requires realism, courage, and the isolation of the “bribed” and the patriots.

2) Public Administration and AADE

Dear K. stupa,

The reason for sending you this email was an unexpected phone call from an AADE employee.

Specifically, because I had a lot of stocks (that pay good dividends), I had to manually add those dividends on my tax return and put the amount in the designated box, plus the corresponding tax. But the tax office has all this information and it showed me correctly. What is the easiest way to have the corresponding box on the statement ready for the amount you are going to tell me.

So I emailed AADE and explained the matter as I told you before. Two days later a very kind man called me and after thanking me, asked me if I saw any further improvements in the statement.

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What can I say? I was surprised by AADE’s response. I’ve never seen that before in all the decades I’ve been filing tax returns.

We should mention these as well. Not just whining (which I also do on Facebook).

Thank you very much


Michaelides Demetrius

(We are also friends on Facebook)

3) Yes, the country is changing! fact;

Dear K. soba,

Regarding attaching the report of Mr. Pavlos Tripouskiadis to your article published on Monday 03-06-2024 entitled Yes, the state is changing! Really? I would like to add my own cry in the darkness of “change of state”.

The ND point that the Greek state changes is another permanent demagoguery. It’s a sequel to Here and Now Change, but the essence remains the same.

Thirty-five years insured in TSMEDE with eighteen years of parallel insurance in the country, I retired in November 2018.

So far I have received a pension advance of €749 and am awaiting settlement. Next November, we will have waited six years.

The so-called temporary pension in exchange for a future pension.

Regarding the “brain drain”, although I am not qualified to give advice to others, my experience and dissatisfaction I believe justify me in expressing my opinion below.

Young scholars who are thinking of going abroad, if they take even one step out, do not turn their heads back.


[email protected]