Bob SagetHis death has some people wondering if this was anything more than a tragic accident, but new law enforcement documents reinforce the authorities’ conclusion…Bob hit his head with something in his hotel room and died in bed.
The document — the Orange County sheriff’s incident report — explains… When Bob arrived at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando just after 2 a.m. on January 9, he was fine. According to the document, obtained by TMZ, when Bob got into the valet as he approached the entrance and the valet, Orlando NunezAsk for a selfie and oblige Bob. Nunez says Bob sounded fine and there was no evidence of slurred speech, balance problems, or anything else that might raise alarm bells.
The document details that Bob is seen in a security video walking “intentionally through the hallway toward the elevators without stopping or interacting with anyone.” No one else appeared in the video…Bob walked into his room alone.
Once in the room, the door was never opened or opened until security arrived later that day and discovered his body.
The chief medical examiner explained the reason for the operating theory that Bob may have hit his head on the headboard of the bed. ME says that the force needed to cause the fracture along with the fact that the skin on the back of his head was still adherent led him to believe the injury was most likely caused by “something hard, covered with something soft.”
The cops went back to the hotel room to check the object that might have caused the fatal injury, and they took out work surfaces, tables, counters and other hard furniture, because they all had sharp, defined edges.
However, the headboard was slightly padded and slightly sticking out of the wall, leading them to theorize that this was what made Bob’s head touch.
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