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Bobby murder in Messolonghi: Army is also investigating

Bobby murder in Messolonghi: Army is also investigating

Developments in the investigation of the crime in Mesolonghi with the murder of the 31-year-old. Babis Koutsikos testified, with the circumstances of the killer under the microscope …

The cartridge, which was found yesterday, Tuesday, January 23, but the 50-year-old's two hunting rifles will be sent to a laboratory in Athens for ballistics testing. Police investigations have not ruled out anything about the crime in Messolonghi, suggesting that the perpetrator may have used the young man's carbine to injure him, then dumped it where he was found dead 18 days later.

Military minesweepers will go to the area and try to find the victim's carbine or other bullets that the young hunter had in their possession with a special machine that has a built-in magnet that attracts metal objects.

The 50-year-old butcher has not been transferred to prison as he will be brought before the Mesolonghi investigator at some point. According to Tempo 24, the defendant, who has been in the detention center of Patras since Monday evening, January 22, told police officers who asked him about the case, “I have clean hands. I did not commit a crime.” agreed.

The possibility of others involved in the case is not ruled out, while emphasis is placed on finding motive and for this – among others – evidence is sought. As ELAS press representative K. Dimoglidou told ERT, “The positive development of finding the body of the unfortunate young man will certainly give us more information for the investigation. Evidence that can exclude or prove the participation of perhaps an accomplice in the specific crime… There is participation in a specific criminal activity and it results from a limited period of time. .This person went to that area and did what he did, he is already in custody and certainly in our view there is someone or persons who helped him commit this heinous crime.

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“His body is not in the water”

Referring to the case, Giorgos Kalliakmanis, head of the police authorities of N/A Attica, emphasized that the body of the 31-year-old was not found in water covered by weight, but in a dry place. Reed. “If the murder was done with the same weapon as Bobby, and it has come out to be a carbine, the cartridge has to be found, and if the person who killed Bobby found it and took it, I find it difficult. Babis found himself in the reeds, in a dry place, without stones, without weight, without anything. His body was not in the water. It was shot sideways to the left, let's see if it was a top down shot or a straight shot.

“If it's the other way around, it means he's crouched down, maybe his killer was chasing him and trying to hide. If the other scenario is also true, his killer might say to him, 'Come on, let's go hunting, you hide, I'm still going,' and move a short distance away and shoot him.”

According to Mr. Kalliakmani: “The shot is in the shoulder blade. As for how the fragment hit Bobby, it shows that the killer was less than 10 meters away, they say he did not shoot him in the head.

How Echo Found the 31-Year-Old's Body

The help of Echo, a specially trained dog, was the catalyst in finding the 31-year-old's body, ending the thriller about her disappearance.

Speaking to Mega, Angeliki Diakomanoli, press office manager of the Anubis Cold Case K9 team, says: “The dog's trainer and handler scan the area with the dog. The dog has a sense of smell, and that's how Babis was found. That was the first pass the dog made. (…) These dogs don't smell clothes, They are not monitors, they directly smell the body”.

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