September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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“Bombshell” from PPC: “cancellation” of electricity meters – see what will happen from now on

“Bombshell” from PPC: “cancellation” of electricity meters – see what will happen from now on

PPC is preparing for a major change in electricity meters soon. The reason behind DEDDIE smart meters that will eliminate the old way of measuring electricity.

Newmoney Information wants DEDDIE to complete the large tender, as well as the contracting process for the supply of smart meters, within the first half of 2024.

This results from a tender announced by the Program Manager yesterday with the aim of “providing consulting services to support planning, organisation, operational readiness and implementation”.Smart meter installation and integration plan In daily operations.

As stated in the detailed announcement, “In accordance with the Grid Development Plan 2019-2023 and in compliance with European Directive 2019/944 on the internal electricity market, DEDDIE aims to scale up the installation nationwide and include it in its operational operation of modern networks. HT energy electronic meters (smart meters) with Parallel dismantling of existing metering devices for HT customers of the distribution network and more specifically, Didi It expects to integrate into the telemetry system more than 7 million KT customers by 2030Achieving 100% coverage with a maximum number of installations exceeding 1 million.”

It was also confirmed that smart meters are part of an integrated system for smart meters, which also includes data collection and management systems and a communications network for communication between meters and systems, with their design in line with the latest standards.Information security and data protection.

“As is clear, such an investment has multiple benefits for consumers, the electricity market and DEDDIE itself. In particular, the estimated net benefit of the project is expected to be achieved for the period 2021-2045To exceed 4 billion euros» Usually mentioned.

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Unthinkable: Million-dollar agreement between PPC and Mytilineos – see what they will do

Purchasing power: Mega PPC deal – Mytilineos for 2GW RES projects in 4 countries. The value of the agreement is estimated at up to 2 billion euros with an implementation horizon for the next three years – the development and construction of photovoltaic projects in Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania – what the two companies announced. All details on

PPC has signed a Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA) with Mytilineos Energy & Metals to develop and build a portfolio of PV projects of up to 2,000 MW in Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania, according to a related announcement.

The agreement is reportedly valued at up to €2 billion with an implementation horizon over the next three years.

Specifically, the agreement concerns approximately 90 PV projects owned by MYTILINEOS in Italy (503 MW), Romania (516 MW), Bulgaria (500 MW) and Croatia (445 MW) which are in various stages of development.

MYTILINEOS will undertake the development and construction of the respective projects, which will be acquired by the PPC Group upon completion of their connection to the electrical grids of the above-mentioned countries. MYTILINEOS’ experience in implementing complex renewable energy projects abroad has been an incentive for PPC’s confidence in the cooperation of the parties and is a guarantee of the successful implementation of the agreement.

The framework agreement between the two sides is a milestone for the pioneering role that Greek companies can play in the broader region and energy security in Europe.

The agreement is also an important moment for the energy transition, as the “green” energy projects that will be developed can meet the needs of 320,000 families, and remove 3.4 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution from the atmosphere.

PPC: Development in Southeastern Europe

For PPC Group, the agreement is an important step in implementing the strategy it recently presented to the investment community for development in the South-East European region, with green energy as a key pillar.

Under this agreement, PPC Group will acquire renewable energy projects in addition to Romania, where it already has a significant presence, and in three new countries, namely Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia.

PPC Group’s strategy includes expanding into South-Eastern Europe and exploiting the potential for value creation between countries, through the energy corridor being created.

Being present in different geographical regions, and with an expanded and integrated portfolio of renewable energy sources, PPC Group intends to take advantage of the different meteorological conditions in each region. PPC Group aims to have a total of 8.9 GW of installed capacity from renewable energy sources in 2026.

PPC: Sustainable development of renewable energy sources

For MYTILINEOS, this agreement is part of M Renewables’ broader strategic development to realize its international portfolio, including the recent entry into the Canadian market with 1,500 MW projects while implementing an asset rotation plan, through which MYTILINEOS is financing sustainable development, among others. . In the renewable energy sector.

The multi-layered nature of the deal (geographic scope, timing of projects) highlights the depth of M Renewables’ portfolio.

MYTILINEOS already has a very important position and long-term experience in the markets that are part of the said agreement, both in terms of development, construction (EPC) and operation (O&M) of projects, having implemented projects of thousands of megawatts in them, while its overall portfolio, after this agreement The identified investment in Canada amounts to 10,500 megawatts.

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In particular, with regard to the strategically important Italian market for MYTILINEOS, and with its long-term presence and wide portfolio of projects exceeding 2.5 GW, this agreement will provide additional impetus to accelerate the implementation of MYTILINEOS’ investment plan in Italy targeting an expanded presence (integrated utility model) in the sector Energy in the country.

Executive Vice President and Head of RES Division of PPC Group, Mr. Konstantinos Mavros, said: “The agreement we signed creates value for both parties and strengthens our group’s presence in Southeast Europe.

The gradual addition of new projects to PPC’s renewables portfolio, in new countries, in accordance with the strategic plan, gives us new leverage possibilities in our overall plan to create energy corridors in the wider region.

MYTILINEOS’ experience in complex RES projects and previous successful cooperation is a guarantee of proper and timely implementation of the Agreement.

“This is an important agreement between two leading Greek companies, with international influence, as they expand their presence in South-Eastern Europe,” said Yiannis Kalafatas, CEO of Energy at MYTILINEOS.

We are very satisfied with this development, as it is not the first time we have cooperated with PPC to develop “green” energy projects, even at an international level, demonstrating the potential of Greek entrepreneurship on a global level.

We are fully convinced that the two companies will continue to play the role of actors and catalysts of this dynamic for a sustainable “green” future.