September 19, 2024

Valley Post

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“Bombshell” with new “Predator list” from documentation

“Bombshell” with new “Predator list” from documentation

New information is coming out regarding the phone tapping case that has rocked the country for the last few months and caused a serious political conflict.

As appears from a new list published in the Docu Newspaper published on Sunday, the prime minister’s close associates, members of the cabinet from outside and inside Maximus – they … staff state – combine people. Presidential Palace, but also members of the friendship and business circle of Marevas Mitsotakis, wife of the Prime Minister!

On the central theme of the document, the editor and director of the newspaper, Kostas Vaxevanis, says: “The Consensus Network was essentially a security network of governance. He even “blindsided” the vice president of the EYP, who was the mastermind behind the surveillance, who was not attuned to the demands of the surveillance. The target of the surveillance was Maximos’ “territories” and persons, while the bug implicitly eavesdropped on the president.».

Then the famous journalist says “According to the list and sources, Mareva Mitsotakis’ friendship and business environment were also linked. In this particular list, two of his friends seem to be under surveillance for personal reasons. Gregory Dimitriadis, the secretary and former director of the Prime Minister’s Office, who is linked to the EYP, is being monitored. The head of Facebook in Greece is also under surveillance, as is an adviser to Mitsotakis who was fired.” and concludes as follows:Most impressively, Giorgos Gerapetridis, a top government minister, is under surveillance, and his political and personal activities appear to have been X-rayed. Like all regimes, the Mitsotakis regime primarily controls its own people»!

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Name list

  • George Gerapetridis – Minister of State
  • Akis Schertsos – Minister of State
  • Nikos Papathanasis – Deputy Minister of Development and Investments
  • Miltiadis Varvitsiotis – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Orzacchi Russetto – Member of the Political Secretariat of the ND participates in Maximos’ “morning coffee”.
  • Irini Exarchou – Clerk in the palace of Maximos under Grigoris Dimitriadis, formerly Clerk to Antonis Samaras in Parliament. His sister, Phoebe, served as secretary to Panagiotis Kontoleon, former commander of the EYP.
  • Thomas Varvitsiotis – President and co-founder of consulting, advertising and crisis management firm V+O
  • John Olympios – Co-founder of V+O
  • Argyro Chacoraris – Mareva Kabrowski’s right hand in many business activities, K at Maximos. Works in Mitsotakis’s secretariat.
  • Olinga varviciotis – Wife of Thomas Varvitiotis and director of “The Art Newspaper Greece”.
  • Vasilis Grizis – 1st Deputy Commander of EYP
  • Christos Agrafiotis – Member of the Board of Directors of “Kathimerini” newspaper
  • Harris Couch – Until recently Special Adviser to Businesses and Investors G.G. of the Prime Minister
  • Elena Kybrio – Partner of K. Mitsotakis since 2004
  • Nikos Sikalas – Director of Press Office and right hand of Kostis Hadzitakis
  • Spyros Karanikolas – Member of PASOK-KINAL until June 14, 2022
  • Philip Vryonis – Owner of Epsilon TV station
  • Manolis Grafagos – Secretary General of Waste Management Coordination
  • Costas Mousroulis – Coordinator of the Just Development Transition Program (SDTAP) of Macedonia and Megalopolis Regions, former Minister
  • Angelique Rousseau – Former director of EYP echelon
  • George Paterakis – Vice-President of the Greek-German Chamber
  • Artemis Seaford – Cybersecurity Policy Manager for Facebook and member of the European Center of the American think tank Atlantic Council
  • Amphilosius – Former Director of the Representative Office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Athens Metropolitan of Andreanopolis
  • Aris Alexopoulos – Vice Admiral, Director General of the General Directorate for Defense Equipment and Investments
  • Spyros Kousonis – Former Counter Terrorism Executive and former Coca Cola 3E Director of Security
  • Mai Zanni – Former partner of Kostas Bagoyannis, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister’s Secretariat
  • Yannis Anastasakos – Close ally of former Civil Defense Minister Michalis Chrysokoidis.
  • Maria Sarafoglu – ANT1 journalist
  • Spiros sideris – Journalist iEidiseis, Euractiv
  • Petros Kousulos – Journalist and editor of “Bam” newspaper
  • Stefanos Chios – Journalist of “Magelio” newspaper
  • Graciela Gladys – Works at Aegean Fuels Sales Division
  • Vangalis Piteros – Restaurant owner in Kolonaki
  • Tonya Priba – Adviser to the Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Telecommunications and Posts
  • Thassos Papageorgiou (The Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Messini appears under this name)
  • Takis Theodoratos
  • Panagiotis Zarkadas
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