Active Member’s Michalis Mytakidis (BD Foxmoor) appeared as a catapult against the artist and artists who serve this particular genre of music, also targeting Light.
Specifically, in his relevant statements to SKAIMichalis Mitakidis said of the Art Singers: “They are a group of people with the same logic, with the same roots, the same sources, the same financiers. This makes me like Marinetti’s fascists, all the advantages, it makes them appear progressive. You can’t take 30 years of public works and play it like a rebel.” “And the people at the bottom sing better than you. They’ll eat anyone who doesn’t belong to their clan.”
After that, he said that there are so-called “artistic” singers who have a profession, while they do not have a voice, and gave Thanassis Papakonstantinou as an example, saying: “He sings his songs and does not translate them.” . Do you mumble them? Does he like being called by others? Will we ever understand? How many years will it take us? […] How dare they come out and sing?
Also, Active Member’s Michalis Mitakidis was also asked about Hunter Light, who told “Fame Story” that he doesn’t listen to Active Member because he’s “not psycho” and because “it’s not a problem.” Thus, the famous BD Foxmoor responded to Al-Sayyad as follows: “If we addressed those with psychological problems, we would be the most commercial group in Greece. […] Can Light come here so I can teach him some things so he won’t get exposed.” However, Michalis Mitakidis said “no” to a potential collaboration with Light – known as Christos Ioannidis.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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