the Open AIthe research organization behind the popular chatbot chatannounced that he had temporarily disabled “Browse with BingThis was only available to members paying a Plus subscription, as a kind of GPT-4 model. As its name suggests, it allowed AI to perform web searches and get results from Bing. This radically improved the capabilities of the chatbot, which could Manage and provide users with updated information, without being bound by its training data which is discontinued in 2021.
The feature didn’t arrive until May 2023, but according to a post on OpenAI’s official counterpart, it has caused issues. The official announcement specifically states:
We’ve learned that ChatGPT Browse beta can sometimes display content in ways we don’t want. For example, if a user specifically requests the full text of a URL, they may unintentionally agree to that request.
We disabled Browse with Bing beta out of an abundance of caution while we fix this to do the right thing for content owners. We are working to get the beta back up as soon as possible and appreciate your understanding!
The problem in practice was that ChatGPT could also read content normally available for a fee and protected by copyright. This obviously creates a lot of trouble for the company, as it may face legal action from the content owners. OpenAI expects to re-enable the feature in the near future after some tweaks and improvements.
For the record, the topic of content being read by AI systems has been hot on the internet lately, with Elon Musk taking drastic measures on Twitter to avoid it, for example. You can learn more about this by clicking here.
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