Chris Rock reportedly addressed the incident with Will Smith at the 2022 Academy Awards during a party on Friday night (April 8).
Earlier that day, the academy announced that it would be Smith was banned from attending all academy events for ten years.
During the televised ceremony, Smith slapped Rock on stage and swore at him after the comedian mocked his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.
“Jada, I love you. Ji Jin 2“Rock,” he joked, in an apparent reference to Pinkett Smith’s head shaving. Pinkett Smith reported last year that she shaved her head after suffering from hair loss.
Smith, who won Best Actor later at the ceremony, walked on stage and hit Rock, before shouting at him twice: “Keep my wife’s name out of your damn mouth.”
California-based paper desert sun The comedian quotes him as saying on the show in Fantasy Springs: “I’m fine, I have a full show and I’m not talking about [the Will Smith incident] So I get my salary.
“Life is good. Then he joked.
Will Smith and Chris Rock quarrel at the 2022 Oscars
According to the outlet, attendees were prohibited from bringing cell phones into the building during the Rock set, and were given locking pouches for all mobile devices.
was the perpetrator Previously mentioned the horrific Oscar incident during a party last weekto tell the audience that he is “still processing” what happened.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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