Will Smith slap Chris Rock in a live comedy show on Netflix.
Comedian Chris Rock is tired of talking about Will Smith’s infamous slap at the Oscars, but he wants to make one thing clear: The slap actually hurt.
Rock, 58, spoke at length about the incident at the 2022 Academy Awards during a live comedy show on Netflix.
Chris Rock talks about slapping Will Smith
“You know what people say, they say ‘Words hurt,'” Rock said. “Anyone who says words hurt hasn’t been punched in the face.”
The Oscars slap went viral instantly, shocking the world and being discussed everywhere, and also opening the way for discussion about violence in general.
The Rock was praised for maintaining her composure after the incident.
On the streaming service’s first live comedy show, Chris Rock: Selective Outrage, the artist tackled a wide range of topics including “wake-up” culture, Meghan Markle, and politics.
“I’m going to try to put the show on without offending anyone,” said Rock, referring to the falling out with Smith. “Because you never know who might get upset.”
Smith has since apologized for the slap, and also resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was banned for 10 years for “unacceptable and harmful conduct”.
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