September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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Cuba is the only country in Latin America to have disconnected from the Internet in 2021

Cuba is the only country in Latin America to have disconnected from the Internet in 2021

Cuba The only country in Latin America The government deliberately disconnected the internetDuring 2021 Avoid citizen protests and speeches.

“Authorities responded to growing protests and calls for reform by shutting down the Internet and blocking sites,” it said. Now access reportAn international organization dedicated to the cause of protecting the open and free Internet.

Report, prepared #KeepItOn campaign -Units more than 70 companies focused on efforts to eliminate Internet malfunction-, most of these malfunctions on the island Massive protests against the state on July 11.

“In July, Cubans flooded the streets demanding access to food, water, medicine and the Govt-19 vaccine.

In addition, Access Now alleges that the government blocked the words “VPN” and “freedom” via text message while the Cuban people were trying to avoid a government network blockade via VPN (VPN).Virtual private network)

VPN services have only been in operation on the island intermittently since October 2020, the text added.

“The Cuban government is canceling the SIM cards of certain individuals. It has completely cut off victims – mainly activists and journalists – because ETECSA is the only Internet provider in Cuba. “

Independent reports indicate that the government has cut off the Internet to prevent anything related to the July 11 peaceful protests from spreading through social media. National Geography 60 points.

Complaints are common Independent journalists and human rights activists About the interruptions of its Internet and telephone services managed by the country’s only telecommunications telecommunications monopoly ETECSA.

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Cubans also do not have access to many Independent press What, In addition to being blocked, they continue to be criminalized and slandered by the official press..

Access Now clarifies that there may have been Internet disruptions in Paraguay in 2021, but they do not have enough evidence to include it in their report.

Internet interceptions by governments are on the rise, and the report has come to a confusing conclusion, often aimed at suppressing citizens’ dissent and accents.

Authorities have deliberately blocked the Internet 182 times in 34 countries in the past year..

In addition to Cuba, countries including Burkina Faso, Chad, Ezwatini, Iran, Jordan, Myanmar, Niger, Pakistan and Sudan have blocked the Internet in response to protests. There were casualties during military clashes in the Gaza Strip, Myanmar and the Ethiopian region of Tigre.

Chad, the Republic of the Congo, Iran, Niger, Uganda and Zambia cut off the Internet during the election.

On the other hand, on an interesting note, countries like Benin, Iraq and the Gambia interrupt service during national events such as school exams.