September 8, 2024

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Democrats vs. Joe Biden: Operation “Throw Grandpa Off the Train”

Democrats vs. Joe Biden: Operation “Throw Grandpa Off the Train”

“We are the United States of America, the irreplaceable nation. Our leadership matters. Our partnerships matter. This moment matters,” US President Joe Biden declared at a press conference in Washington, at the end of the historic NATO summit during the new Cold War.

Like the session, the nearly hour-long news conference — a rare one for the 81-year-old president — was a stern test of his widely controversial second bid for the White House.

In his speech to a primarily domestic audience in the United States — from American voters to his critics within his own Democratic party — Biden sought to highlight not only the successes of his first term in office, but also his marked differences with his Republican predecessor and once-against-his-enemy Donald Trump.

The main political message Biden wanted to get across is that the November election is far more important than a rematch in 2020, with the stakes at the ballot box going far beyond U.S. borders.

But Biden’s answers made the world wiser.

He is no less concerned about his ability—if he ultimately stays in the race and wins in November—to lead the West’s most powerful economic, military and nuclear power for another four years.

He insists he is the best candidate to beat Donald Trump, though in an epic jibe he used his rival’s name instead of his running mate Kamala Harris, insisting she is “qualified to be president.”

He is not convinced.

A growing chorus Democratic lawmakersThe party’s donors and celebrity supporters are calling on him to withdraw from the race.

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He expresses the same opinion. One in three Americans And 56% of Democratic voters in an Ipsos poll.

Psychological-political drama, with elements of thriller.

“Well, I’m not doing this for my backstory. I’m here to finish the job I started,” Biden insisted.

“If I slow down and can’t finish the task, that’s a sign I shouldn’t do it. But there’s no sign of that yet. No one!”

But among Democrats, anger and ferment are now beginning to take hold—and it is more intense in the background, according to the writings, than we have seen publicly so far.

Although their identity has not been revealed, they have started doing so. open mouthswith sources revealing, for example, that the Biden Cabinet has not met since October 2023.

Even the one that preceded the US President’s presence, they said, was so theatrical that it had a scenario reminiscent of a “theatrical performance.”

Recently, accusations are now being leveled against Joe Biden’s closest advisers and members of his campaign team that they “covered up” the 81-year-old president’s mental and physical deterioration, thus deceiving the American people.

He is now launching a communications counteroffensive, but based on a high-stakes strategy, his campaign staff is planning a series of appearances for Biden in the coming days.

Another TV interview with Biden is expected on Monday, the opening day of the Republican National Convention — where Donald Trump will officially and formally receive the party’s anointing.

Meanwhile, there is about a month left until the Democratic National Convention, which will be held from August 19 to 22 in Chicago.

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It is now a landmark, and a lot can change before, during or even after it.

What is certain is that with the countdown already on to the November elections, all scenarios are being feverishly studied behind closed doors at this point.

U.S. President Joe Biden frowns during the first presidential debate, which was a disaster for him, on June 27. (Reuters/Marco Bello)

political score settling

Through the party’s primary – which he lost almost unopposed – Joe Biden secured nearly all of the delegates who will vote at the Democratic National Convention to appoint the party’s nomination.

In theory, he has it “in his pocket”.

In practice, he has the initiative of the movements.

If he voluntarily withdraws from the US presidential race before the Democratic National Convention, delegates will be free to support another candidate of their choice.

However, in this case, Biden will be able to exert significant influence, and “build” the required support around the successor he wants.

And as the press conference suggests – even if you confuse her name with Trump’s – it’s likely to be the current vice president and nominee, Kamala Harris.

Alternatively, if Biden does not drop out of the race—to resist what he has denounced as hostility “with the party elite”—it is difficult for his party to turn against him.

Such a thing would at least cause a more chaotic situation than it already is, and has already become Trump’s “bread and butter.”

But there is also a third possibility: Biden withdrawing from the race for the White House, after he has already secured the party’s nomination.

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In this case, the solution may be less messy than expected.

Simply because the DNC has the power to fill the void with a new candidate, who in this case would not even need to pass the party’s co-leaders convention.

In fact, as CNN explained in a recent report, all that is really needed is “the party leader’s consultations with him.” Democratic Rulers and Party Leadership In Congress.”

U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during Independence Day celebrations at the White House (Reuters/Elizabeth Frantz)

Violent background

With its report, the news site Axios adds more mystery.

He says Democrats have strong connections, in particular. Veterans of the Obama and Clinton Administrations They are making behind-the-scenes plans — and more — to knock Joe Biden out of the race ahead of the election.

They conduct polls, lobby former presidents, and make behind-the-scenes contacts with top Democrats and party donors.

He calls them the “unofficial committee to impeach the president.” And indeed, “the sooner the better.”

Axios reports that these are people who worked together in previous campaigns.

They say that no one is pulling the strings of this initiative, no one is exercising leadership or control.

They also insist that there is no involvement of the two former presidents – although they say their public silence in recent days speaks volumes.

However, no one on the team was in a position to say whether the initiative would succeed or fail.

Ultimately, everything depends on the decisions of President Biden and his close circle of advisors.

But as one veteran Democrat noted, the current situation “needs a psychiatrist more than a communications therapist.”