Distinguished writer and photographer, Lisa Everett, wife of former President of New Democracy, Miltiadis Everett, has died.
The news was announced by her daughter, Alexia.
Who was Lisa Everett?
Lisa Everett was born in Athens. He has studied and worked in photography since 1983, receiving a diploma from Middlesex University, London.
To her credit, she has had more than 20 solo exhibitions of photography in Greece and abroad.
In addition, he has created 15 book albums, three of which have been awarded: “Kifisia – Beauty and Memory” (1988), “Pontus Journey – Anatolia – Photography” (1989), “Istanbul – Searching for the Queen” (1990 ). With the Prize of the Academy of Athens, “Castles of the Peloponnese” (1991), “Cappadocia – a tour of the Christian East” (1991), “Silk Bursa” (1991), “Echoes of Greek Syria (1993), “Castles and Barges of Crete” (1995) ).
In 1993 he created Asterismos Publications and to date, he has published seven books.
The themes of her exhibitions and books mainly concern Greece and the ancient homelands of the Hellenic diaspora (Pontus, Asia Minor, Northern Epirus, Lower Italy and Sicily, the Middle East) from Antiquity and the Byzantine era, up to the 20th century, topics on which he has been presenting since 1987.
They had two daughters with Miltiades Evert, Alexia and Elena.
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