September 19, 2024

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Erdoğan is out of control: The five reasons why Turkey is pulling back tensions with Greece

Erdoğan is out of control: The five reasons why Turkey is pulling back tensions with Greece

That its own security turkey Yesterday he met for more than 3 hours and dealt with, among other things, the Greek armaments programs, and it shows Ankara’s concern about a series of issues directly or indirectly related to Greece.

After the end of the marathon meeting, Turkey did not hesitate once again to threaten Greece, mainly expressing its annoyance with the armament programs and defense agreements concluded by our country, as well as with Greece’s relations with the United States of America, which are at the best level. historically.

It is characteristic that in the declaration issued after the meeting, it was emphasized that “provocative actions and rhetoric, as well as arming, do not provide any benefit other than increasing tension in the region.”

“It was emphasized once again that we will not tolerate any action targeting Turkey’s national security and interests, whatever the circumstances,” the declaration added.

angered the Sultan.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has before him … Calvary until the elections because he will have to reverse the negative climate in Turkey against the background of the subtlety that brought millions of Turks to their knees. But the “thorns” on the road to elections do not stop there.

The gradual change in the balance in the Aegean Sea is a matter of interest to the “Sultan” with the increasing number of voices criticizing the Turkish president recently. the reason; On the one hand, Turkey is not able to get the “green light” from the United States to sell the F-16, and on the other hand, Greece continues to equip itself with the latest technology fighters.

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Both Erdogan himself and Turkish officials have made it clear that until the May 14 elections, inflammatory statements will continue and intensify. The fear of an accident in the Aegean Sea always lurks the armed forces on constant alert every day.

Greece, for its part, responds calmly to all Turkish threats, defines its red lines, strengthens international law and launches at every opportunity a barrage of challenges from the neighboring country.

In response to Erdogan’s continued aggressiveness against Greece, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis chose to send a stern message to Ankara and the Turkish president himself.

“Let all those who preach that they may come suddenly know that they may suddenly wake up and plunge into a harsh reality, and learn that all the yorusei they summon may turn into a disorderly retreat back to the starting point,” Mr. Mitsotakis said.

How do we explain Erdogan’s obsession with Greece?

Regarding Erdogan and his obsession with attacking Greece more and more, this can be explained by at least five reasons.

The gradual change of balance in the Aegean Sea, the relations between Athens and Washington and the support of our country in crucial issues related to Greco-Turkish, the armament programs of Greece and also the US freeze on the acquisition of the F-16, are the main reasons that infuriated Erdogan.

At the same time, the poll data for the Turkish president is somewhat disappointing.

In the coming period, Erdogan will try to win back his voters by offering everything to ensure his political survival and to demand another presidential term.

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Turkish war scenarios

Meanwhile, the Turkish media maintains the atmosphere of a threatening war with Greece, as analysts in the neighborhood present relevant scenarios.

In particular, Ismail Haki Pekin, the former intelligence chief of the Turkish General Staff, presented on television how his country could land in Greece, and even explained the weaknesses of the Greek and Turkish armed forces.

It is this particular analyst who points out to Ankara, “Beware, Greece has a strong air defense.”

He might say “We can enter Alexandroupoli if ground forces are used and Greece will have trouble there”, because he considers the Turkish land army to be stronger than the air force.