One of the most difficult confessions she chose to make Erita Korkulos Latsis Through a post on Instagram, she announced how to do this She lost her fetus in the third month of her pregnancy.
By posting a family photo while holding an ultrasound, many were quick to conclude that she and husband Byron Vassiliadis would become parents again and in a few months would welcome their second child.
But she explained how This is not a pregnancy announcementBut unfortunately it is quite the opposite.
As she says in her lengthy post, “In January we found out I was pregnant with our second child who came in the first natural cycle my body had been able to do in 4 years,” which filled them with so much joy until Monday, March 4. They were at the clinic “for an ultrasound at 10 weeks. As if I had a feeling that morning that something was wrong because before the visit I felt very anxious.”
She added: “Our child's heart stopped, and just as we were shocked by his entry into our lives, we were shocked by his departure.” Choose this way to send a strong and optimistic message To all women who are experiencing similar situations.
Irita Korkolos' blog post in detail:
*Not a pregnancy announcement*
We found out in January that I was pregnant with my second child who came in the first natural cycle my body had been able to do in 4 years. The arrest took place during the Christmas holidays.
I couldn't believe that after all the struggles we had gone through to have Nico, we had managed to become one of those couples I always envied – the ones who catch babies in the air while having great sex.
At every blood test, every ultrasound, I was waiting for stupidity to happen (why can't we be this couple), but here the chorionic villus rose to the sky and the baby's heart beat with the most beautiful rhythm…
Everything was going well. I had no nausea, nor the nerves that the first trimester caused me due to the thousands of hormones I was taking during my first pregnancy.
Everything was fine until Monday 4th March when we went to the clinic for our 10 week ultrasound. As if I had a feeling that morning that something was wrong because before the visit I felt very anxious.
As soon as the screen turned on, we saw our baby – he now had a head, arms and legs. But our doctor looked at the midwife and said, “Do you see what I see?” “Yes…” she replied. Our child's heart stopped, and just as we were shocked by his entry into our lives, we were shocked by his departure.
We've been through this too – a miscarriage in the third month.
Many feelings, but one thought: the next day is usually a little easier than the day before. As Nikos says, “The baby is in heaven now.”
If I had one message to give to any woman going through the same thing, it's to smile again. For me, it happened much faster than I expected – I was able to feel really happy after just one week.
But everyone is different, and mourning this loss of life is essential!
A hug to all who have gone through it and a plea – don't let fear rob you of the joy and celebration of your upcoming pregnancy! It is a magical time that we deserve to enjoy to the fullest. You are not alone, you are not alone.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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