Eurovision is a non-profit event, and its costs are mainly covered by the participating broadcasters.
Its grand finale Eurovision It ended on Saturday (11/05) and the winner was Switzerland with Nemo and the song “code». the Marina Satti And the team that surrounded her Contest No. 68 Returned yesterday (12/05) to Athens After finishing in eleventh place.
However, what concerns many people is who organizes Eurovision and who pays the bill?
Which country would you like to participate in? Eurovision You must pay an amount to European Broadcasting Union (EBU)It is also the regulating body of the musical institution.
This amount is determined mainly by demographic standards. And so on, Francethe Germanythe United kingdomthe Spain And the Italy They pay more for European Broadcasting Union to Eurovision 2024. In fact, the five mentioned countries form the so-called “Big Five” of Eurovision and are present in every final match, without having to go through the scope of the semi-final stage.
It is worth noting that the cost of participation for many member states, especially small states, cannot be underestimated, and therefore there are some countries that do not send missions to Eurovision. But the greatest financial burden falls on the organizing country, as the financial contribution from the television organization organizing the competition ranges between 10 and 20 million euros. As a rule, the city where the event is held contributes some additional amount, either in the form of funds or in the form of interest.
With regard to Greece, its Board of Directors ERT Approved on 01/22 Total amount 176,647.20 euros (plus value added tax) for its participation in Eurovision 2024, in accordance with the relevant decision of the Board of Directors of Public Radio and Television published on clarity.
The exact amount is typical for Greece’s participation in Eurovision in recent years. Of course, it is not related to the final amount, but only to the participation fees, to which the expenses of the Greek mission will be added Unless Ha Sweden.
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