September 8, 2024

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Eurovision 2024: Where are the bets showing Marina Sati just before the final

Eurovision 2024: Where are the bets showing Marina Sati just before the final

Marina Sati’s “Zari” is still in the top 10, and Cyprus and 17-year-old Celia Kapsis are very low.

Eurovision 2024: Where are the bets showing Marina Sati just before the final

Marina Sati and Zari countdown ahead of tomorrow’s Eurovision 2024 grand final. She is always in the top ten and it remains to be seen if the judges and audience will give her a place in the top five.

At the moment, according to the bookmakers, Croatia remains firmly in first place as they have not moved all week. He is following Israel despite the reactions, but also the incident with the Dutch representation. Third place is locked by Nemo and Switzerland.

Ireland has also recorded a continued rise, France has also seen an upward trend, while Italy and the Netherlands have lost much of their strength. Marina Satie is currently in solid ninth place.

Regarding Cyprus, Celia Kapsis is currently ranked 19th. However, the risks are changing by the minute, and perhaps by Saturday night there will be changes.

Top ten of Eurovision 2024 according to betting

  1. Croatian
  2. Israel
  3. Switzerland
  4. France
  5. Ireland
  6. Ukraine
  7. Italy
  8. Holland
  9. Hellas
  10. Finland
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