Eva KylieWhat finally contained in the suitcase her father had picked up from the Brussels Hotel – New data from ANSA
New evidence in her case Eva Kylie Announces I forget Regarding the suitcase that the politician’s father carried from the hotel room where he was staying.
The first announcement about Belgian authorities After the arrest of Eva Cayley and her accomplice Francesco Giorgi and Antonio Panzieri he said:
“Hundreds of thousands of euros were confiscated in three different places. 600,000 euros in a suspect’s house, hundreds of thousands of euros in a suitcase found in a hotel room in Brussels and about 150,000 euros in an apartment belonging to a member of the European Parliament.”.
Then it became known that they were found in the suitcase of the father of the former MEP 750 thousand euros.
Mr. Kelis remained in detention last Friday, but was released because his role was merely a conveyancer, not involved in the corruption case.
According to what the couple claimed, based on what became known from their statements and those of their lawyer, Eva Kylie’s father was summoned to Remove Money from the couple’s home when his daughter spotted it at their house where her husband took it and asked him to return it to where it was.
What was in the bag after all?
The latest information broadcast by the Italian news agency ANSA talks about the existence in addition to money and personal purposes Inside the infamous suitcase.
“In the past few hours, details have been circulated among research circles.” He quotes Ansa and adds: In Eva Kylie’s bag of cash, a feeding bottle, milk and an iPad for her two-year-old daughter were also found. The bag may be ready several hours before conception From the former Greek parliament.
Did Georgie Kyles inform Eva’s father?
Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera In her report, she stated that Gyorgy may have been under surveillance, when it is possible that he was the one who alerted his father-in-law, Alexandros Kaili, to the move, who removed €600,000 in €50 bills as he was leaving. Welfare the hotel Brussels, where he stayed with his wife.
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