September 20, 2024

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Eva Kylie: Christmas in Prison

Eva Kylie: Christmas in Prison

Before the Greek MEP and former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Eva Kylie After another month in Haraen prisons, Belgium’s judicial authorities decided yesterday to refuse a request to be released from prison with a bracelet. Ms Kylie will be away from her minor daughter as she spends Christmas as a temporary prisoner. Potential traffickers Belgian judges consider him to be at risk of being abducted and transferred QatarA prospect that shocked international public opinion.

Already, the news that Ms. Kylie’s detention had been extended by a month quickly made international headlines around the world, while dozens of journalists and television crews waited an hour to apologize to judicial officials and wait for the court’s verdict. , then there was the Greek MEP Poor psychological condition, but reportedly expressed willingness to cooperate. He offered to be released from prison with a watch and to have only one phone, which he agreed to be monitored by the relevant authorities, but only to contact his child. However, the lawyer said that there was no reason for the child to be released from jail and therefore he should be remanded for another month.

According to an official announcement by the Belgian prosecutor, if Eva Kylie appeals the decision within 24 hours, she will appear in court again within 15 days (see section on appeals). In fact, the official notice only mentions the initials of Ms Kylie (E.K.) and emphasizes that it has been decided to extend her custody by one month. Further, as the investigation is ongoing, no further information will be released at this time.

It’s tense from the start

However, if Ms Kylie does not appeal, her request to be released from prison on parole will be considered after a month, although her lawyer appears to be rejecting that offer. According to an official announcement from the Prosecutor’s Office, Ms. Kaili (hereafter referred to as EK) appeared before the Pre-Trial Council yesterday as part of a major investigation in a case related to organized crime, corruption and money laundering. Specifically, the notification states “In the context of a wide-ranging investigation into her Federal Prosecutor’s Office She too Federal Police A man appeared in courtrooms before the main court in Brussels this afternoon in connection with organized crime, corruption and money laundering. With its decision this (yesterday) morning, the Pre-Trial Council extended E.K.’s pre-trial detention. (S.S., Eva’s Kylie) a month. If he appeals the verdict within 24 hours, he will appear before the Criminal Division of the Brussels Court of Appeal within 15 days.. “In the interest of the investigation, no further information will be released at this time. The press will be informed about the latest developments in the case through press releases,” concludes the official announcement, clearly capturing the tense situation that the MEP’s lawyers found from the first minutes of the apology.

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A political decision

Speaking to ALPHA, her attorney laid the groundwork for what’s to come, explaining the attorney’s reasoning that if released with an electronic wristband, Kylie could be abducted by Qatari spies. Judicial authorities of Belgium. His lawyer responded directly to the Belgian prosecutor “Then there is the risk that Qatar could send troops to occupy Brussels and kidnap Ms Kylie.”Finally the end”It was not taken on purely legal grounds, as there were journalistic and political implications». Specifically, after the attorney’s office’s announcement, Ms. Kylie’s defense “political decision”, Rejecting the possibility of an appeal, Ms Kylie could destroy evidence crucial to the trial if released while the reports are to be considered by Belgian judges. After his testimony ended yesterday, his lawyers, speaking to the gathered press, maintained that he was innocent, did not accept bribes and was cooperating with authorities. However, the element that “weighed” in the Belgian judge’s decision was the money found in her father’s suitcase when he tried to escape from the hotel where he was staying in Brussels, after a phone call from his daughter, which she herself appears to have confessed to, according to Italian and Belgian reports.

7 MP from Kylie

According to the information, the Greek MEP said She called seven of her colleagues As if involved in a major scandal”Qatar-gate»Italian newspaper “il Fatto Quotidiano” covers Italian MEP, Brando Benfie, for funding from Qatar.

Referring to the controversial morning of December 9, Ms Kylie is said to have testified “I first tried to call Panzeri, who spoke Italian, but I couldn’t find him. Then I tried to get Mark Darabella, then Maria Arena. Panzeri didn’t answer, so they said they didn’t know..

After that, investigator Michael Gless allegedly pressed her further. “Who is around Bancheri? We want two lobbyists to help him in his work,” asked the investigator, to which Eva Kylie replied: “Giuseppe Meroni, his previous assistant, still helps him. David… I don’t know his last name, but I understand he works there. Simona, Carola and Francesca. Pancheri was helping them in return.

Also, when asked by judicial officials whether Pancheri was paying several MEPs’ assistants, a Greek MEP said: “No. After 2019, when he’s not re-elected, he’s trying to help everybody find a job.. She was then pressed, the Italian newspaper continues, to say who was under Pancheri. “Who managed after him?” They ask her. “Maria Arena, Mark Darabella, Andrea Cozzolino”, according to “il Fatto Quotidiano” Eva responds to Kylie. Investigators gave her two other names: “Moretti and Brando Benife”? “Yes,” Kaylee answered in the affirmative.

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As for Brando Benifay, the youngest elected MEP, he entered the European Parliament for the first time in 2014 and is only 28 years old. Benefei belongs to Matteo Renzi’s party and is active in several groups, one of which is related to democracy and its defense. However, until today, according to Italian publications, no information has been provided regarding the name of the MEP.

At the same time, data quoted in “Il Fatto Quotidiano” newspaper, Eva Kylie, 750,000 Euros That wasn’t the first money Antonio Panzeri left at his house. “He did it before the coronavirus and he left some money and came to collect it. “He trusts Francesco (aka Giorgi) more than his apartment.” The MEP attributed his immunity to the Pancheri practice. He commented on his partner “It was

The partner was “saving something for himself and probably for his current boss, Antonio Cozzolino.”, he felt he “couldn’t say no” to his boss. “He is very kind. Maybe I said something because I’m old. The MEP responded.

According to him, the suitcase containing 600,000 euros was in his house for three or four months. “The suitcase was for Pancheri,” he said, while for the remaining €150,000 found in the Brussels apartment, Eva Kylie said “Giorgi borrowed it for the house.”

New home and mortgage

According to the same publication, the ousted vice-president of the European Parliament said his partner was having difficulties buying his new home. “The mortgage is in my name and I pay it. You can see from my credit card. The money is my partner’s contribution. There was 5,000 euro in one safe and 5,000 euro in the other. I know that Francesco borrows from his parents from time to time. Probably from Antonio too. I know this because There are things he wants to buy, but he doesn’t have the means. I know he has things from his former boss, Panzeri, and from his current boss, Cozzolino, but I never thought about where the money was coming from.”

In her confessions, Eva appears to refer to the “thin” briefcase that Pancheri left with Kylie Giorgi. “I saw him yesterday, and he was fat.” “Antonio Panzeri comes over for coffee even when I’m not at home. He was very close to Francesco Giorgi Added the Greek MEP, “How I took 20,000 euros from one of my accounts in Greece and transferred them into my jacket. But I only did it once. I knew I couldn’t have more than 10,000 euros.”

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At the same time, he tried to separate his political role in Qatar from the Banjeri group, saying, “IWhen I dealt with the issue of EU visa liberalization for some Middle Eastern states, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman, they were given priority only because they were gas suppliers, but they fulfilled the necessary conditions over others. The Commission insisted on this issue, and I agreed. A decision will be made by the end of November. This period coincided with the most intense debate on human rights. I think that’s why there was confusion between Pancheri’s work on human rights and my work on visas and energy.

Block in Burroughs

Along the same lines as the ex-Vice-President of the European Parliament’s apology in Brussels yesterday, Anti-Money Laundering Authority Headed by a former Deputy Advocate General of the Supreme Court, Charalambos voorliotis, yesterday mortgaged a total of 7 acres of land in Barros purchased by the Kylis-Geortsi couple last March. Also, a joint account maintained by Eva Kylie and her husband, which was used to purchase the plot, was also frozen. On Kayley’s part, revealed through her attorney, Michalis Dimitrakopoulou, buying property in Paros is completely legal and the money for it is justified by her fees and income. On the contrary, information from the Anti-Money Laundering Authority indicates that there are strong suspicions of money laundering in the purchase of 7 acres of land in Paros. It is for this reason that it is requested by the Financial Advocate Christos Bardakis Investigation of the crime in question. The highlight is that Mr. Mr. sent to Bardakis. Vourliotis’ conclusion states that there are strong doubts that the money to buy the plot came from money laundering. It reminds me of a plot of land in Paros, on the border of the Isterni settlement, about 600 meters from the sea, with a view towards Naxos. A total buildable area of ​​280 square meters, while according to the architect’s mechanical intention, the house will become a vacation home: “We held 3-4 meetings. They wanted a house to stay in next summer, and all the planning was done to build a house for her family.”

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