defensive about it Eva Kylie and confession regarding his relations with Antonio Panziriformer member of the Italian parliament who is considered “Brain” Qatar Gateit seems s Francesco Giorgi He allegedly told police on December 10 when it was officially announced that he had been arrested over the scandal that shocked Europe.
“I did everything for money that I didn’t need,” according to the court documents she cited Republicwords used by Georgie He confessed to the charges brought against him – money laundering, creating a criminal organization, and corruption.
After collapsing in front of Brussels officials, Mr Georgie The Italian newspaper stated that he admitted that he had acted illegally and expressed his remorse.

As stated in the post, “the 35-year-old from Abbigrasso, a suburb of Milan, who arrived in Belgium in 2009 to study and make a career in the European Parliament under the protection of the Social Democrats, with what he said in the first minutes after Arrest On December 10 he acknowledged his responsibilities and admitted that he knew he had acted illegally.
The newspaper added, “At the same time, he tried to protect his partner, the ousted vice-president of the European Parliament and the mother of their 22-month-old daughter, by asking for her release.” Republic.
regarding money which were found and confiscated, Giorgi maintains that they were intended only for him and because Panziri “is trying by all means to keep his partner at bay by expressly asserting that she was not the recipient of the money”.
He was quoted as saying, “I will do everything in my power to free my partner and take care of our 22-month-old daughter.” Francesco Giorgi.
Relationship with Panziri
her partner Eva Kylie He described to the police his relationship with Antonio Panzieri, which he told them began 13 years ago with the first meeting taking place shortly after Giorgi’s arrival in Brussels.
Characteristically, he said, “I asked him to take me on a scholarship, and he did.” Francesco Giorgi For this meeting held in the context of a conference.
And from there began a long-term collaboration with him Panziri To become over the years something for the enthusiastic young Giorgi who took his first steps in the corridors of the European Parliament, ”according to the Italian newspaper.
As noted, “the moral debt he felt to Panziri (Giorgi) was great. That is why when things did not go well for Panziri in 2019 when he was not re-elected to the European Parliament, Gyorgi continued to help him. It was then, as Gyorgi explained, He began to care about the organization’s money as a token of gratitude to everyone who helped him work in politics.But it was also money, money Which Francesco Giorgi reportedly said he didn’t really need because his salary as an assistant was about €2,500 a month.

according to Republic Relieved, Georgie told the officers to take this burden off his mind. As they were told, he was a simple man who found himself in something bigger than himself and blinded by his moral debt to Panziri.
The aim of the Belgian researchers is to understand whether there are members of the European Parliament on the “payroll” of the Qatari and Moroccan envoys. But Giorgi, according to the Italian newspaper, when asked if he knew the recipients of the money from Panziri, said he did not know anyone.
In any case, the Public Prosecutor of Corruption, Michelle Cleesehe is determined to continue the investigation for a long time, and concludes that La Repubblica is published.
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