March 16, 2025

Valley Post

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EXCEPTIONAL – Here's the first increase in IKA, OAEE, NAT, EFKA and public pensions! PAYMENT FOR THE OPEKEPE EQUATION!

EXCEPTIONAL – Here's the first increase in IKA, OAEE, NAT, EFKA and public pensions!  PAYMENT FOR THE OPEKEPE EQUATION!

News: Six categories of pensioners will have their pensions increased by 3% as of 1/1/2024, according to the executive circular of Ministry of Labor.

Increases at ATMs will be seen on December 19 and 21, while on December 20 the allowance will be paid to those with a personal difference of more than 10 euros and on December 18 exceptional assistance will be paid to pensioners who receive a main salary. A pension of up to 700 euros with a personal difference of less than 10 euros until zero.

Of the 2.5 million pensioners, approximately 1.6 million pensioners will see an increase in their pockets, of whom 1.4 million do not have a personal difference and will receive the full 3%, while another 200,000 will receive a smaller amount and a lower percentage of increase, because part of it will be compensated. vs. personal difference.

Among the 200,000 retirees who will receive an increase of less than 3%, there are about 150,000 retirees who will receive the personal difference allowance and part of the increase. The winners are those who have a personal difference between 10 and 20 euros and will reduce it to zero while increasing their pension, and at the same time they will receive the allowance because the law stipulates that it is paid to those who have a pension. Personal difference of more than 10 euros.

The number of beneficiaries of the bonus is 740,000, of whom about 150,000 will be dual beneficiaries of the bonus and the increase, so that the personal difference becomes zero.

The six categories of pensioners who will receive a 3% increase According to the executive circular of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Panos Tsakloglou, they are:

1. Those who retired on 12/31/2023 and who received a pension before 5/13/2016 and whose pension was recalculated.

  1. Those who retired on 12/31/2023 and who received a pension before 5/13/2016 and were not recalculated.
  2. Those who previously retired on 12/31/2023 and who received a pension before 5/13/2016 and whose pension is not subject to recalculation like the OGA pensions and those granted by the former Naval Defense Fund (NAT), which are calculated with special provisions.
  3. Those who retired on 12/31/2023 and who received a retirement pension from 5/13/2016 onwards.

5. Pensioners to whom the pension will be paid as of 1/1/2024 and the start date of its disbursement dates back to 12/31/2023. Warning: For this category, the law stipulates that old-age pensions begin to be disbursed from the month following the submission of the application. Yes, the increases include retirement applications, and the deadline for submitting them is 11/31/2023.

  1. Pensioners who receive the basic pension from OGA which increases from €387.90 to €399.54. It should be noted that all pensioners (OGA) (about 550,000) will receive a 3% increase, but of all pensioners, 35,000 will only receive the basic pension amount.

to caution: As for those who receive compensation or a temporary pension, they will not receive an increase. For this category, the increase will be added to the retroactive benefits that will be disbursed when the final pension is issued.

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The national pension from 413.76 euros today, rises from 01.01.2024 to 426.17 euros and is valid for those who have already retired until 2023 as well as for those who will retire in 2024.

The compensatory pension for the new bonuses, that is, for pensioners who will leave as of 1/1/2024, will not increase by 3%, but will be calculated with the increase in retirement income during the change in inflation.

What changed in the minimum and maximum pensions after the 3% increase?

The new minimum national pension for 15 years is €383.55 as of 1/1/2024. As for the death pension, it is 399.54 euros.

The new minimum pension due to a work accident or occupational disease has risen to €852.34.

Pensions for unmarried girls rise by 3%, but without exceeding the upper limit, which remains at 720 euros.

The new maximum for one or more main pensions due to old age, disability or death rises to €5,114.04 per month from €4,965.12 now. The pension ceiling is equal to 12 national pensions. In contrast, the upper limit for additional benefits rises automatically from 01.01.2024 to 1,534.21 euros, from 1,489.54 euros currently.

Beneficiaries of the increases

The Free Press reports that increases of up to 3% will be paid to 1,434,546 pensioners, while 739,926 people who maintain a personal difference of more than €10 will receive an allowance of €200, €150 and €100 according to EFKA's final figures for the beneficiary distribution.

On the other hand, low-income pensioners with an income of up to 700 euros, who have a personal difference of up to 10 euros, or zero, plus the excess, will receive exceptional assistance of 150 euros for holidays. Which will be paid on December 18th.

In terms of the percentage increase for all pensioners:

*1,413,408 retirees will get the full 3% back in their pockets.

*10,891 retirees will receive an increase of more than 3% because they may also receive a supplement from parallel insurance.
* 10,247 pensioners will receive an increase of up to 2.99% because they also have a personal difference.

Personal differences allowance of more than €10 will be paid to 739,926 pensioners. Among them, it is estimated that approximately 150,000 will be added to the beneficiaries who will also see an increase of less than 3%, excluding the personal difference.

The allowance is €200 for main pensions up to €700, €150 for pensions from €700.01 to €1,100 and €100 for pensions from €1,100.01 to €1,600.

Based on the distribution of beneficiaries of the personal difference allowance, EFKA will pay €200 to 172,093 pensioners, €150 to 260,088 pensioners, and €100 to 307,745 pensioners.

Increases of up to €55 for new pensions

Increases from €22 to €55 per month, i.e. from €264 to €660 for the whole of 2024, will be received by new pensioners who left after May 2016. Indicative tables are published today in the “Insurance and Pensions” supplement.

to caution:

*The salary included in the pension calculation is the average gross monthly income from 2002 to the year of the insured’s retirement.

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*2023 pension amounts refer to pensions for the years 2016-2018 that have been recalculated in accordance with Frutsis. In pensions from 2019 onwards, the law applies directly without recalculation.

According to the tables:

1. A pensioner who retired in 2017 with 33 years of insurance and a pension of 900 euros, today receives 727 euros with an increase of 7.75% in 2023. With the new increase of 3% as of 1/1/2024, he will receive 749 euros.

2. The pensioner who retired with 35 years of insurance and a pension of 1,670 euros currently receives 1,085 euros, while as of 1/1/2024 the pension will be 1,118 euros, an increase of 33 euros per month or 396 euros annually.

3. A pensioner who retired with 38 years of insurance and a pension of 1,850 euros, today receives a pension of 1,309 euros and as of 1/1/2024 the pension will be 1,348 euros with a profit of 39 euros per month.

4. A retiree who retired with 40 years of insurance and a pension of 2,550 euros today receives 1,788 euros, and as of 1/1/2024 with a 3% increase, the pension will be 1,841 euros with a profit of 54 euros per month, or 648 euros annually.

Increases for new pensioners (retirement from 5/13/2016 onwards)

salary With 33 years of insurance With 35 years insurance
With 37 years of insurance Pension until 12/31/2023 Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase Pension until 12/31/2023 Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase
Pension until 12/31/2023 Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase 900 727 749 22 776 799
23 825 849 25 1.010 765 788 23 820 844
25 875 901 26 1.120 804 828 24 864 890
26 925 953 28 1.230 842 867 25 908 935
27 975 1.004 29 1.340 880 907 26 952 981
29 1.025 1.056 31 1.450 919 946 28 997 1.027
30 1.076 1.108 32 1.560 957 986 29 1.041 1.072
31 1.126 1.160 34 1.670 995 1.025 30 1.085 1.118
33 1.176 1.211 35 2.000 1.110 1.143 33 1.218 1.254



1.366 40 Salary: Average from 2002 until retirement
Composition: Mixed quantities salary With 38 years of insurance With 39 years insurance With 40 years insurance Pension until 12/31/2023
Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase Pension until 12/31/2023 Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase Pension until 12/31/2023 Pension from 1/1/2024 Monthly increase
1.150 970 999 29 1.002 1.032 30 1.033 1.064 31
1.290 1.038 1.069 31 1.073 1.106 32 1.109 1.142 33
1.430 1.106 1.139 33 1.145 1.179 34 1.184 1.220 36
1.570 1.173 1.209 35 1.217 1.253 36 1.260 1.298 38
1.710 1.241 1.278 37 1.288 1.327 39 1.335 1.375 40
1.850 1.309 1.348 39 1.360 1.401 41 1.411 1.453 42
1.990 1.377 1.418 41 1.431 1.474 43 1.486 1.531 45
2.270 1.512 1.558 45 1.575 1.622 47 1.637 1.686 49




49 1.718 1.769
52 1.788 1.841 54
Salary: Average from 2002 until retirement Composition: Mixed quantities National retirement thresholds as of 1/1/2024
Insurance years Because of old age Because of death The amount is until 12/31/2023 The amount is from 1/1/2024
The amount is until 12/31/2023 The amount is from 1/1/2024 20 413,76 426,17
413,76 426,17 19 405,48 417.65
408,58 420,84 18 397,21 409,12
403,41 415,51 17 388,93 400,60
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16380,66392.08 393.07

  • 15
  • 372,38
  • 383.55




EXCEPTIONAL – Here's the first increase in IKA, OAEE, NAT, EFKA and public pensions! PAYMENT FOR THE OPEKEPE EQUATION! – Farmer News!

The equalization fee is also paid by OPEKEPE (

), to the bank a payment order worth 234 million euros.

It should be noted that the tie was never paid before Christmas, in an attempt to mitigate the impression that today's check payment will leave, which will not be accompanied by greening as it happened until last year, due to the new framework of the Common Agricultural Policy.

Approved amounts for credit concerns for each action:

P3,71.1 250,070 beneficiaries and EUR 166.23 million

P3.71.2 130,200 beneficiaries and EUR 57.63 million

P3.71.3 24,800 beneficiaries and EUR 10.17 million

It is reported that, based on the signed decision, assistance for mountainous areas amounts to 12.22 euros per hectare and for areas with natural limitations, other than mountainous areas, as well as areas with special deprivation, 8.99 euros per hectare. In the meantime, the relative margin of objections has been moderated, and now there are a few days left, so that whoever was justified can “pass” on the payment list, which perhaps justifies the discrepancy between the amount that arrives at the bank for today’s credit (22/12) And the amount of 252 million euros stipulated in the decision published at noon on Thursday, the 21st of this month. In more detail, the relevant decision states the following: It was approved to allocate an appropriation in the amount of 252 million euros from SAE 082/7 and in particular from project No. 11.2023ΣΕ08270021 entitled “P.3-71: Assistance to areas characterized by natural or other special defects in 2023”. The above amount refers to intervention P3-71 “Aid to areas characterized by natural or other special defects” in the SSKAP for the period 2023. -2027 and in particular Actions 1, 2 and 3 with the corresponding distribution of financial amounts: a) Action No. 1 “Compensatory assistance in mountainous areas” in the amount of 180 million euros, b) Action No. 2 “Compensatory assistance in areas with natural limitations, except mountainous areas”, In the amount of €61 million and c) Action 3 “Compensatory assistance in areas of special deprivation”, amount €11,000,000. Appropriations that will not be absorbed by one measure can be transferred to another. Payment will be made by OPEKEPE on PDE account, year 2023BREAKING NEWS – Push for Equality 2023 Announced by OPEKEPE – PENSIONS EFKA, PUBLIC PAYMENTS!