September 19, 2024

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G7 Summit – Ukraine: obtained a huge loan worth $50 billion and an “unprecedented” security agreement with the United States

G7 Summit – Ukraine: obtained a huge loan worth  billion and an “unprecedented” security agreement with the United States

The issue of Ukraine and the struggle it is waging against Russian aggression is one of the main topics that will be discussed at the meeting G7 Which is going on Italy, And his presence Volodymyr Zelensky. In fact, the Ukrainian president will initiate this Signing a ten-year bilateral agreement Security with its American counterpart Joe Biden, Then, according to what Macron’s advisor revealed, he “sealed” the release of one of them The loan – a huge amount of $50 billion To Kiev, where future profits from frozen Russian assets would serve as collateral.

Kiev has signed 15 bilateral security agreements with other countries since then 2022 When the Russian invasion of its lands began. Among others with the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy. The US-Ukraine deal does not require congressional approval and could be canceled by a potential Trump administration (if such an administration emerges after the US elections in November). For his part, Mr Biden HHe said in the recent past that the guarantees provided to Ukraine would be equivalent to those provided to Israel, covering economic and military aid, as well as the possibility of joint production of weapons.

It is expected that reference will be made in the statements that the two leaders will make to the timetable related to Ukraine’s application to join NATO and the entry of foreign military trainers into the country.

Ukraine will sign a similar agreement with Japan.

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He added, “The document with the United States will be unprecedented, as it should be for leaders who support Ukraine.” male Zelensky, Trying to “taste” the security agreement with Washington.

As also applies to other bilateral agreements, the agreement with the United States will not require its active participation in defending Ukraine in the event of an attack. But it may make it easier for Ukraine to start peace negotiations with Russia, as it will have guarantees about the assistance it can receive in the event of a new Russian attack.

The bilateral security agreements stipulate that in the event of a future Russian attack against Ukraine, the two parties will consult within 24 hours to determine response and deterrence measures.

– Bilateral agreement discount United States of America and Ukraine, White House National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivanannounced: “By signing it, we will also send to Russia a message of our determination. If Vladimir Putin thinks he can overcome the pro-Ukrainian coalition, he is mistaken. Through this agreement, we also obtain commitments from Ukraine on reforms and monitoring the end use of the weapons we provide,” he added.

Sullivan also stressed that Ukraine is learning lessons for the US military, including the use of drones in its military operations. In deepening cooperation with Kiev, Sullivan said that the United States “They will benefit from Ukraine’s knowledge and experience, its innovations on the battlefield and lessons learned from the front.”

G7 decision: $50 billion loan by the end of 2024 to Ukraine

It is final, as everything shows, to save a new loan amount 50 billion dollars From the West to Ukraine by the end of 2024, through the use of frozen Russian assets, as decided by the G7 countries.

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This particular information has been confirmed before Emmanuel Bonn, Diplomatic advisor to the French President Emmanuel MacronThis was in his statements to the Ukrinform agency.

“The leaders decided that we will confirm our support for Ukraine in the form of a joint loan worth $50 billion that the G7 countries will provide to Ukraine by the end of the year,” he added. Macron’s advisor said, adding that it was essentially an American loan, “But it could be supplemented with European funds or national contributions.”

Bonn also explained that this loan to Ukraine is to be repaid from revenues that will arise from frozen Russian assets in the European Union. “And you understand that if Russian assets are unfrozen for one reason or another, or if income from Russian assets does not bring in more than what is required to finance the loan, the issue of burden sharing will arise.”He said characteristically, as technical advisors now discuss the details before signing the deal.

“But things will move very quickly, and in any case the 50 billion will be paid by the end of 2024.” Macron’s advisor added.

The German Ministry of Finance expressed its satisfaction with this decision taken by the G7. “Good news from the G7: another $50 billion for Ukraine. To this end, we are using interest on frozen assets – a clever tool that shows Putin our unity, helps Ukraine a lot and eases budgets. We are now working on the details.”“, wrote the minister Christian Lindner On Twitter.

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The “frozen” Russian assets amount to 300 billion euros

“We have a political agreement at the highest levels (…) and $50 billion will be allocated to Ukraine.”A senior US government official said on condition of anonymity.

This $50 billion loan to Kiev will be secured at future interest rates on idle Russian assets, up to $1.5 billion. 300 billion euros Achieving revenues of three billion euros annually.

The United States is “They are ready to lend up to $50 billion in order to ensure that their goal is achieved, but there are other lenders, which means the actual amount is less.”he added. “It is a solidarity loan. We will share the risks because we share the commitment that this will happen. I don’t want to talk about other delegations, it is up to them to say whether they will contribute.”

These assets are found everywhere in the EU: almost 185 billion euros It has been frozen by Euroclear, an international asset custodian in Belgium. This gives Europe a dominant role in using Russian assets. The rest are in the United States, Japan, Britain and Switzerland.

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