Φωτ. AP/Eugene Hoshiko, File
His new novel Haruki Murakami It is expected to be released in April. And while the publisher didn’t reveal much information about the content, all we know is that the manuscript is about 1,200 pages long and the plot revolves around a “long-running secret story.”
book entitled “The city and its uncertain wallsIt will be available April 13 in print and online, Shinchosha Publishing said in a statement on Wednesday. The availability of English versions is not yet known.
In a short advertisement promoting the author’s new work, the publisher said – among other things – that the book is moving and “100% Murakami” (in terms of style and story).
As reported by US news agency The Associated Press, the publisher’s staff said the reason for the lack of details about the content was that many Murakami fans said they’d rather start reading without knowing what it was about.
Therefore, it remains unknown if the new novel is related to the Japanese author’s 1980 story of the same title, which was published in a literary magazine but not published as a book.
The novel is Murakami’s first since the February 2017 release of Killing the Commendatore (Kishidancho Goroshi).
Haruki Murakami, one of the most important writers, was born on January 12, 1949 in Kyoto. His first novel, “Hear the Wind Sing”, was published in 1979. But the book “Norwegian Wood” became the first bestseller, which made him widely known. Some of his famous books are “The Wild Sheep Hunt”, “The Tuned Bird” and “1Q84”.
With information from the Associated Press
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