During the eclipse April 8 It had been mentioned BBC Analyze events that happened in the past, They have affected millions of people They ruled over it to a great extent History flow.
The BBC takes us on a journey through time. in May 28, 585 BCin Anatolia (present-day Türkiye), the Medes from Iran And the Lydians from Southern Türkiye They were engaged in a war that lasted six years, interrupted only by a solar eclipse, as Herodotus records. Despite the eclipse On April 8 of this year over North America It may not cause such a dramatic reaction as the latter studies It shows that it can be amazing, and greatly affect our psyche.
Dread and external forces
Awe, defined as the dread caused by the enormity of what humiliates us, has gained ground in scientific research. Studies reveal the ability of awe to promote humility and altruism. For example, experiments show that eliciting awe leads individuals to perceive it External forces Which contributes to their achievements and enhances humility. It also blurs the lines between self and others, promoting sociability and altruistic behavior.
Solar eclipse 2017
The 2017 eclipse was… Natural experiment For Sean Goldie, who analyzed Twitter data to gauge people's reactions to the event. His findings revealed that those who witnessed the eclipse were more likely to express awe, Humility and positive social feelingsWhich indicates a temporary but important impact on their mentality and behavior.
the studies These highlight the ability of awe to transcend individualism and strengthen community bonds, providing a temporary respite from social isolation. Divisions. In the midst of polarization, experiences of shared awe, such as witnessing a solar eclipse, serve as reminders of our amazing collective world, fostering unity and appreciation.
Sudden darkness
Historical testimony for The battle of the Medes and Lydians stopped Because of the solar eclipse it forms one Shocking example Of the way that Celestial events It can affect human affairs. Herodotus describes how sudden darkness during the battle caused both sides to search Erinhighlighting the profound impact such events can have on the course of history.
Eclipses change the psychological state
In the modern era, the study of terror has emerged as a field of scientific research and has been highlighted Psychological effects From the experience of the miracle and a surprise. Researchers like Jennifer Stiller and Dakher Keltner have explored how dread can lead to this Change of mindAnd enhance humility Altruism.
Stellar research shows that Moments of dread can reduce self-confidenceWhich leads individuals to recognize the external forces that play a role in their lives. This increased humility is accompanied by an increased sense of connection with others. Blurring the lines between self and society.
Likewise, Keltner's work shows how awe can soothe the ego, Opening individuals to collaboration and deeper appreciation of lifestyles. Through laboratory experiments and real-world observations, researchers have documented the transformative power of awe in humans Human behavior.
Goldie's study of the 2017 eclipse is available more details On the effect of awe, showing how a natural phenomenon can elicit profound emotional responses. Social media data analysisGoldie was able to observe how viewing the eclipse affected people's language and expressions, revealing a temporary but important shift toward awe and connection.
Strong impacts on society
These findings have broader implications Communitysuggesting that shared experiences of awe can serve as a unifying force amid social and… Political divisions. In a world of increasing polarization and conflict, moments of collective amazement provide one such moment A reminder of our shared humanity and the amazing beauty of the universe.
We await future celestial events such as With the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, we have an opportunity to reflect on the profound impact these phenomena can have In our collective psyche. Whether through scientific research or personal experience, awe reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the possibility of unity in the face of uncertainty.
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